publicstaticreadonlyMicrosoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent.Core.CountryPhoneCode SanMarino; Field Value CountryPhoneCode Applies to ПродуктВерсії Azure SDK for .NETLegacy Співпрацязнамина GitHub ...
构造函数说明 CountryPhoneCode() 方法摘要 展开表 修饰符和类型方法和描述 static CountryPhoneCode fromString(String code) 从其字符串表示形式创建或查找国家/地区电话代码。 static java.util.Collection<CountryPhoneCode> values() 方法继承自 ExpandableStringEnum<...
public static final CountryPhoneCode ANTIGUA_AND_BARBUDA Country phone code +1.ARGENTINA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARGENTINA Country phone code +54.ARMENIA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARMENIA Country phone code +374.ARUBA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARUBA Country phone code ...
详细了解 Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent.Core 命名空间中的 Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent.Core.CountryPhoneCode.MarshallIslands。
Android 各个国家的电话前缀country_code 国外国内电话前缀 <divclass="phone_table"id="phone_table"style="font-size: 0.14rem"><div v-for="(val,key) in list"><div>{{key}}<div v-for="z in val">{{z[0]}}<span @click="dian(z[1])":val='z[1]'>11</span>{{z[1]}}</div></...
phone country code是国家电话代码 中国的是86
国家,区号,电话号码 CHN是CHINA 的缩写 至于区号的话“如南京是025,蚌埠是0552。。。”你的电话的话...我在想你的问题是不是这个意思就是:0086-0552-1234567?
That's why the country code is changed. Your calls from the UK are first routed to the carrier you're roaming on in France, then sent to your phone. If you got your phone officially unlocked & used a local sim that would fix things. Reply User profile for user: swissclive swisscl...
Xiangtan will be adding the prefix “5” to the original 7-digit phone numbers, and Zhuzhou will be adding the prefix “2” to the original 7-digit phone numbers. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z Country / City 國家 / 城市 Country Code國家號碼 ...
Following is a list of most of the mobile phone operators names and their Mobile Country Code and Mobile Network Codes. Some of the most searched Country Codes What is Australia Mobile Country Code ? Australia Mobile Country Code is 505. What are US Mobile Country Codes ? United States Mobile...