Recent trials found that improving household-level sanitation did not improve children’s linear growth, but studies did not measure impacts on mothers42. A more likely explanation for higher stunting at birth in South Asia is women’s nutritional status. Prevalence of low body mass index in ...
doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.16545 Key Points Question What are the health system factors that support or impair the ability of nonphysician health workers to treat noncommunicable diseases in low- and middle-income countries? Findings This systematic review and qualitative analysis examined 15 ...
Transmission of novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in humans happens either through airway exposure to respiratory droplets from an infected patient or by touc
Citation is one of the key indicators of research quality and researchers need to be aware of mechanisms that might enhance citations of published articles. Therefore, Arab researchers in the field of public, environmental and occupational health should be encouraged to build bridges with other ...
However, the findings also indicate that young women are more responsive to external cues than young men are. This result, coupled with the fact that young men in egalitarian contexts have not adopted gender-egalitarian attitudes to the same extent as young women, is concerning because it ...
However, a negative correlation may be due to disease severity affecting the patient’s functional health status and hence interfere with their ability to return for follow-up appointments. This is supported by secondary qualitative findings that poor functional health status contributed to being LTFU ...
The gender gap for overall cancer mortality worldwide is twice that for incidence, with death rates 43% higher in men than in women (120.8 and 84.2 per 100,000, respectively) (Table 2), partly because of differences in the distribution of the cancer types. Death rates per 100,000 persons...
Pregnancy registries using a prospective design, i.e., enrolling women at their first antenatal care visit before the outcome of pregnancy is known and following outcomes of women and their children, have the advantages of providing more complete and accurate data and a denominator that can be ...
Figure 1. Age-standardised YLL, YLD, and DALY rates per 100 000 population for all causes combined and leading ten causes in UK countries, women, men, and both sexes, 2016 YLLs=years of life lost. YLDs=years lived with disability. DALY=disability-adjusted life-year. The all-cause age...
living to older ages [14,15] and aging is a risk factor of chronic disease, LTFU among chronically ill individuals is a public health issue that calls for attention in HICs. It is crucial to identify the factors associated with LTFU to improve the quality of care and support for patients...