It provides the correct interpretations of many Scriptures that are generally misunderstood by pastors and Bible teachers. It also makes it clear that it is very difficult to be a faithful Christian. The book has already led me to a deeper repentance, and I will read it on a regular basis...
As we still consider Jesus and what He freely did for us, we can also embraceJames 1:2-4, “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfe...
“I believe Jim Harman’s bookOvercomers’ Guide to the Kingdom, is the best book that Jim has written, and it covers a topic that is vital for every Christian who wants to be found faithful at the Judgment Seat of Christ. It provides the correct interpretations of many Scriptures that ...
We can choose joy even amid tough circumstances. What is a favorite Bible passage of yours and why? Dr. Jim Burns: I have a lot of favorites, so it sort of depends on what I’m doing on any given day. If had to choose one, it would be Philippians 4:13,“I can do ...
2014 is a target date possibly for the Imam. It is called the “historical year.” See here. The Imam Mahdi is predicted to appear during 2 eclipses – first is the eclipse of the moon on the first night of Ramadan, and second is the eclips...
have eternal li e with him in heaven, too. Te li e Jesus gives is real, and it will never end! Te hope Jesus brings is a real hope, a certain hope. Jesus gave his li e to save us! Te Bible says, “Now the God o hope ll you with all joy and peace in believing,” (Romans...