解决方法如下。 解决方法 打开命令窗口,输入 unset http_proxy http_proxy=""unset https_proxy https_proxy="" 这时候再输入 echo $http_proxy echo $https_proxy 可以看到是空的。 关闭命令窗口再打开,即可使用git clone,不影响代理设置。
Check to see if your environment has already gain the HTTP and HTTPS proxies: echo http_proxy echo https_proxy If they do exist in your environment, r
git config --global --add remote.origin.proxy “ ——— 通过以上命令设置代理后,还是没达到预期效果,反而pod会报如下错误 atal: unable to access 'https://github.com/AFNetworking/AFNetworking.git/': Could not resolve proxy: “” 此时需要删除代理,通过 vim ~/.gitconfig 命令进入,删除相关代理即可...
在Linux 上,Git 提交代码时,有时候会突然出现 git could not resolve proxy: http 解决: step1: Git 有自己的代理,重置一下 Git 的代理。 git config --global https.proxy "" git config --global http.proxy "" step2: 重置系统的代理: export http_proxy="" export https_proxy="" export all_proxy...
.. fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/xxxxx.git/': Could not resolve proxy: http mac 网络里面更改成自动代理(个人问题解决了,产生的原因时设置andorid studio代理) 图片.png最后编辑于 :2020.11.11 16:00:00 ©著作权归作者所有,转载或内容合作请联系作者 0人点赞 日记本 ...
简介:【技术分享】MacOS环境Could not resolve proxy: “localhost:1080“解决方案 背景: 今天想更新Homebrew,但是发现提示 fatal: unable to access ‘https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/brew.git/’: Could not resolve proxy: “localhost”。如下图所示: ...
#myproxy.com:port is a filler but on wsl2 machine, it has a legit proxy that works on other Linux machines[Tue Oct 06|09:15 AM] (Projects) $ sudo curl -x"$http_proxy"www.google.com curl: (5) Could not resolve proxy: myproxy.com ...
export http_proxy="" export https_proxy="" 1. 2. If not, check to see if you have sethttp.proxyandhttps.proxyinside your git environment: git config --global -l 1. If they were set inside your Git environment, run the following commands to remove them: ...
复制后运行, curl: (6) Could not resolve host: application 去curl官方网站查看:https://curl.se/docs/manpage.html 6 Couldn't resolve host. The given remote host could not be resolved. 6 无法解析主机地址 无法解析主机。无法解析给定的远程主机。
拉G码云代码,遇到问题: unable to access 'https://gitee.com/daohu527/Dig-into-Apollo.git/': Could not resolve proxy: proxy.server.com 执行: $ git config --global http.proxy $ git config --global --unset http.proxy 竟然解决了,莫名其妙。发布...