\tan^2(t) + \sin^2(t) = \sec^2(t) - \cos^2(t) Why is -2^2 equal to -4? Why is \cos(\pi)=-1? does (4x^3y^4)'=d(4x^3y^4)/dx ? and why does d(4x^3y^4)=(12x^2y^4)dx+(16x^3y^3)dy Why is 0^{\infy} not indeterminate? What is 10 minus 4? What is...
How does plus-minus((csc^2x-1)/(csc^2x)) equal on of these: secx, cosx, sinx, tanx, cotx, cosx, or 1? Prove the identity. cos(x + y) + cos (x - y) = 2 cos x cos y. Verify the following identity (sec x + csc x)(sin x + cos x) - 2 = tan x + cot x ...
michael-x / keycloak-documentation miguel-b-pias-alb / keycloak-documentation miguelcalado10 / keycloak-documentation mikaayil / keycloak-documentation mikehaertl / keycloak-documentation mikiqex / keycloak-documentation mikuamuro / keycloak-documentation miladSorour / keycloak-documentation minusda...
Consider the parametric curve: x = 10 cos theta, y = 6 sin theta, - pi/2 less than or equal to theta less than or equal to pi/2 The curve is (part of) an ellipse and the cartesian equation has the form x^2/a^2 + y^2/...
Hordeum secaliimm. Chara fœtida. Au tlPl à ri'Aïn-Mansonr, en mai, on pomTa recueillir dans les champs: Clypeola cyelodontca. Sur le' penlrs dn djebel Gourou et sur les rochers de la crête, en 111:11 : CLARY.- HEflBORlSA'f!ONS DANS LE DJEBEL AMOUR. Et·o•....
If {eq}csc(x) = 3 {/eq}, for {eq}90^{\circ} < x < 180^{\circ} {/eq}, then: a. {eq}sin (\frac{x}{2}) {/eq} = ? b. {eq}cos (\frac{x}{2}) {/eq} = ? c. {eq}tan (\frac{x}{2}) {/eq} = ? Trigonom...
cos(x + pi/4) + cos(x - pi/4) = sqrt(2) cos x. Prove the identity. cos(x-y)/cos x cos y=1+tan xtan y verify the following identity: cos(x+y) + cos(x-y)=2 cos x cos y Verify the trigonometric identity: (sec x + 1) (sec x - 1) = tan^2...
An object of mass m travels along the parabola y = x^2 with a constant speed of 8 units/sec. What is the force on the object due to its acceleration at (2^{1/2}, 2)? An object of mass m travels along ...