cordova-plugin-file-transfer Usage notice With the new features introduced in the Fetch API and the XMLHttpRequest, this plugin may not be needed any more for your use case. For small file transfers, you probably won't require this plugin. But, if you plan to handle large downloads, suff...
1. 添加插件:cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-file-transfer 2. 调用方法: varfileTransfer =newFileTransfer();//下载地址;varsource="http://xxx/xxxx/ionic.apk";vartarget="/sdcard/Download/ionic.apk";vartrustAllHosts =true;varoptions ={}; function successCallback(entry){} ; function errorCal...
cordova-plugin-file-transfer Usage notice With the new features introduced in the Fetch API and the XMLHttpRequest, this plugin may not be needed any more for your use case. For small file transfers, you probably won't require this plugin. But, if you plan to handle large downloads, suff...
Plugins/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/CDVFileTransfer.m normal x86_64 objective-c 打开错误文件。 /Users/RK/Documents/IONIC/ionic/wema-test/platforms/ios/wemalife-app/Plugins/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/CDVFileTransfer.m 删除第 107 和 110 行。 NSString...
解决cordova-plugin-file-transfer插件build报错 今天在装cordova-plugin-file插件的时候,报错,使终build不上。 cordova/filetransfer/ ... FileUtils filePlugin = (FileUtils) pm.getPlugin("File"); ... Build failed with an exception. 根据提示...
/platforms/ios/XXX/Plugins/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/CDVFileTransfer.m:107:49: No known instance method for selector 'userAgent' 解决 By removing lines 107-110 from CDVFileTransfer.m I was able to compile: // 删除CDVFileTransfer.m的107-110行 NSString* userAgent = [self.commandDelegate ...
你好,有没有“cordova-plugin-file-transfer”的代码实例?还可以看看这个案例 /UI2/system/components/...
cordova-android@12.0.1 cordova-plugin-file-transfer 2.0.1-dev cordova-plugin-file 8.0.1 android-targetSdkVersion 33 Version information Checklist I searched for existing GitHub issues I updated all Cordova tooling to most recent version I included all the necessary information above ...
I'm using Ionic to build an app for Android, and when testing from a device, the call I make using theorg.apache.cordova.file-transferplugin always yields the same response. Here's the code used to fire off the download: $scope.getFile = function(){ ...
Cordova File Transfer Plugin (cordova-plugin-filetransfer) Steps 1. Build core Web API. 2. Camera Plugin to use mobile camera. 3. Upload Images using File transfer plugin. SERVER SIDE: Follow the link below to builtImage Upload REST API Using ASP.NET Core. ...