Cordova File Plugin. Latest version: 8.1.3, last published: a month ago. Start using cordova-plugin-file in your project by running `npm i cordova-plugin-file`. There are 78 other projects in the npm registry using cordova-plugin-file.
Cordova File Transfer Plugin. Latest version: 2.0.0, last published: a year ago. Start using cordova-plugin-file-transfer in your project by running `npm i cordova-plugin-file-transfer`. There are 36 other projects in the npm registry using cordova-plugi
cordova run android怎么调试 cordova-plugin-file 在使用cordova开发H5模式APP时,我们经常会使用到本地文件。 cordova提供了很多插件供给我们使用详情请访问官网: 经过前段时间的实战,还是感觉这个插件最实用: cordova-plugin-file 1. 安装:...
GH-531dep(npm): bump package-lock v2 w/ rebuild GH-529ci(android): update java requirement forcordova-android@11 GH-520test(android): disablecontentscheme tests GH-519chore!: removed old platform code & lint cleanup GH-518test(android): fix tests to usecordova-android10.x default https ...
Add NOTICE file 11年前 remove JIRA link 6年前 chore(release): release notes for 6.0.2 5年前 package.json chore(npm): use short notation in package.json (#404) 4年前 plugin.xml fix(android): Use legacy storage (#417) 4年前 READ...
You mean to use this plugin instead - ? @breautek maybe you can give me example code which I can try as these plugins github pages are not very informative? I've never used any of these plugins myself ...
npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request: === 在windows 路径应该使用"/" 而不是"\" 所以插件应该 cordova plugin add E:/_My_File___/_work/MyCode/myCode/cordova-workspace/plugman-test/MyMath
npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request: === 在windows 路径应该使用"/" 而不是"\" 所以插件应该 cordova plugin add E:/_My_File___/_work/MyCode/myCode/cordova-workspace/plugman-test/MyMath
这是github项目( )的一个备份,主要解决国内访问github不稳定导致插件安装失败的问题。 Add Plugin cordova plugin add Encrypt cordova build [ios / android] Decrypt cordova emulate [ios /...
0-file://path could not be resolved 1- the native path links to a cloud file (e.g: from Google Drive app) LICENSE Apache (see Readme Keywords cordova file ecosystem:cordova cordova-android Install npm icordova-plugin-filepath ...