报错 Plugins/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/CDVFileTransfer.m normal x86_64 objective-c com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0.compiler 打开错误文件。 /Users/RK/Documents/IONIC/ionic/wema-test/platforms/ios/wemalife-app/Plugins/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/CDVFileTransfer.m 删除第 107 和 110 行。 NS...
cordova.file.applicationStorageDirectory- Root directory of the application's sandbox; on iOS & windows this location is read-only (but specific subdirectories [like/Documentson iOS or/localStateon windows] are read-write). All data contained within is private to the app. (iOS,Android,BlackBerry...
报错 /platforms/ios/XXX/Plugins/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/CDVFileTransfer.m:107:49: No known instance method for selector 'userAgent' 解决 By removing lines 107-110 from CDVFileTransfer.m I was able to compile: // 删除CDVFileTransfer.m的107-110行 NSString* userAgent = [self.commandDeleg...
cordova.file.dataDirectory- 使用内部存储器(在 Android 上,如果您需要使用外部存储器,请使用.externalDataDirectory)在应用程序沙箱中的持久和私有数据存储。在 iOS 上,此目录不与 iCloud 同步(使用.syncedDataDirectory)。(iOS,Android,黑莓 10,windows) cordova.file.cacheDirectory- 缓存数据文件或您的应用程序可以...
iOS FileTransfer The FileTransfer object provides a way to upload files using an HTTP multi-part POST or PUT request, and to download files. Properties onprogress: Called with a ProgressEvent whenever a new chunk of data is transferred. (Function) Methods upload: Sends a file to a server....
(iOS, Android, BlackBerry 10, OSX) cordova.file.dataDirectory - Persistent and private data storage within the application's sandbox using internal memory (on Android, if you need to use external memory, use .externalDataDirectory). On iOS, this directory is not synced with iCloud (use ....
FileReader的事件onload/onloadend等,在ios下不会被回调,是咋回事?ionic serve时,在mac safari里跑是ok的。同样也是这个问题导致的,安装cordova-plugin-file和ionic-native/file,File的各个方法返回值Promise的then和catch也都不能被触发。项目停滞不前了。。。 送TA礼物 1楼2017-06-27 14:44回复 超级赛亚人 ...
cordova.file.applicationStorageDirectory - Root directory of the application's sandbox; on iOS & windows this location is read-only (but specific subdirectories [like /Documents on iOS or /localState on windows] are read-write). All data contained within is private to the app. (iOS, Android...
CB-11693ios: Run copy and move operations in the background thread CB-11699Read files as Data URLs properly CB-11305Enablecdvfile: assets fs rootforDOMrequests CB-11385android: Import java.nio.charset.Charset in LocalFileSystem class Add badges for paramedic builds on Jenkins ...
cordova.file.tempDirectory-OS 可以清除時的空目錄會。 不依賴于 OS,以清除此目錄 ;您的應用程式,應總是移除作為適用的檔。 (iOS) cordova.file.syncedDataDirectory-保存應同步 (例如到 iCloud) 的特定于應用程式的檔。(iOS) cordova.file.documentsDirectory-檔私有的應用程式,但...