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《Copyfish ??? Free OCR Software》 下载链接 Chrome下载地址 https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/copyfish-%F0%9F%90%9F-free-ocr-soft/eenjdnjldapjajjofmldgmkjaienebbj Edge下载地址 https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/copyfish-free-ocr-softw/ankheondabfngkjomknppbpkjcdabdlg?h...
Copyfish是一套图片、视频及PDF文字辨识工具,它辨识中文、英文、日文、韩文、法文等多国语言,只要利用Copyfish提取画面内容,就能透过OCR快速辨识、取得文字而无须自己输入,非常方便。 主要特色: 能辨识图象、视频或PDF档案内的文字。 可辨识中文、英文、日文、韩文、法文等多国语言。 支持Windows、Mac及Linux等操作系统。
If yes, then the Copyfish free OCR software is for you. Common reasons to extract text from images are to google it, store it, email it or translate it. Until now, your only option was to retype the text. Copyfish is soooo much faster and more fun. “Images” come in many f...
图片,棘手的Javascript / AJAX中的文本,尤其是Youtube或Youku上的电影字幕中的文本,对于它们来说是无法访问的。但不适用于Copyfish。而且,如果您愿意,Copyfish还会为您翻译文本。特别是对于字幕翻译用例,Copyfish具有重复功能。标记字幕区域一次,然后使用执行OCR”按钮从电影屏幕中获取最新文本。
Copyfish extends its free OCR to the desktop: Copyfish is a free Chrome extension which can extract text from just about anything in a browser tab – images, videos, documents, more – and optionally translate it, too. That’s great, but i
【摘要】 title: 092《Copyfish 🐟 Free OCR Software》自动截图识别网页中的文字很多文档类的在线网站,PPT格式的预览是一张图片,如果我们想要得到图片中的文字,就必须付费下载。这里推荐一款扩展工具,可以对网页中的文字内容直接进行OCR识别,直接获取网页中的文字内容。 使用方法示例网页https://wenku.baidu.com/view...
If yes, then the Copyfish free OCR software is for you. Common reasons to extract text from images are to google it, store it, email it or translate it. Until now, your only option was to retype the text. Copyfish is soooo much faster and more fun. “Images” come in many forms: ...