1 设置填写授权字段 授权字段为用户在前端授权时要求填写的字段,例如API Key,设置后,用户在集简云平台使用您的应用时,点击“添加账户”弹窗窗口中填写,例如如果您设置了一个"API Key"字段,那么用户使用时点击添加账户就会要求其填写自己的 API Key: 此字段将生成一个变量:{{auth_data.xxx}}, 其中xxx部分是您配置...
1. <mce:scriptsrc="http://ditu.google.com/maps?file=api&v=2&key=你注册的API密钥"mce_src="http://ditu.google.com/maps?file=api&v=2&key=你注册的API密钥"type="text/javascript"></mce:script> <mce:script src="http://ditu.google.com/maps?file=api&v=2&key=你注册的API密钥" mce_...
ApiKey基于 ApiKey 的身份验证,其中开发人员提供的 ApiKey 在自定义标头或查询参数中传递。是是* ServiceHttp基于提供的令牌进行身份验证。是是 OAuthAuthorizationCodeFlowOAuth 2.0 授权代码流是一种更安全、更复杂的身份验证方法,用于在不共享用户凭据的情况下授予对非Microsoft应用程序的访问权限。是是 ...
# 文心一言的API_KEY、SECRET_KEY API_KEY = "你的API_KEY" SECRET_KEY = "你的SECRET_KEY" f = open(outpath + '总结-' + filename.split('.')[0] + '.md', 'w', encoding='utf-8') old_out = sys.stdout sys.stdout = f def ask_Q(question): url = "https://aip.baidubce.com...
api_key=your_api_key_here #CopilotAPI的URL url=/v1/endpoint 设置请求头,包含密钥 #API headers={ Authorization:fBearer{api_key}, Content-Type:application/json } #发送GET请求 response=requests.get(url,headers=headers) #检查响应状态码
注意:api key请到平台复制 1. 智谱清言api 创建aip的链接:智谱AI开放平台 模型名称:GLM-4-Flash base url:https://open.bigmodel.cn/api/paas/v4 2. 通义千问 创建aip的链接:https://bailian.console.aliyun.com/?spm=5176.29311086.J_RY_4Q8--sru4dMV7o3lqS.1.35b83123zaB6ad#/model-market/detail...
I am a Computer Science student at the UPC and I am doing my final degree project. My job is to develop an application to help future university students...
API Key copilot-pro I am a Computer Science student at the UPC and I am doing my final degree project. My job is to develop an application to help future university students choose a career.For this, my project managers bought the copilot-pro and windows365 with the aim of customizing ...
This authentication scheme allows a plugin to access an API using a long-lived API key or token. This token is sent in API requests in the Authorization header as a bearer token. This can be represented in an OpenAPI document in the securitySchemes property. See Bearer Authentication for ...
保存api-key到llm_access/api_key_openai.txt 运行 main.py 是项目入口,运行此文件即可启动服务器 python main.py 默认情况下,浏览器输入http://即可 未来可能的方向 本项目的难点在于:实现由用户自然语言的模糊提问和大语言模型输出的自然语言回答,到传统非人工智能计算机代码可以处理的确定数据的...