You can get them from the daily cooking quests, buy them at the Auction House, or buy 10x Northern Spices for 1x Epicurean's Award at the vendor near your cooking trainer at Dalaran. Cooking Buy one of these recipes below from Derek Odds (Alliance) or Misensi (Horde) and make around ...
In Cataclysm, you no longer need to visit different trainers to learn new ranks ofCooking. Every trainer will now be able to each you all ranks in any major city. AllianceHorde Stephen Ryback— StormwindZamja— Orgrimmar Daryl Riknussun— IronforgeAska Mistrunner— Thunder Bluff ...
While leveling Cooking in the Old World, the Alliance and Horde will have to prepare different recipes to power level. Because of that, the materials are broken down by faction in the Vanilla portion of each section in the guide.Both factions are offered various choices on how to most ...
Classic (1-300) Master (300-375) Grand Master (375-450) Horde Zamja, Orgrimmar (57.6 53.6) Eunice Burch, Undercity (62.2 44.6) Aska Mistrunner, Thunder Bluff (51.0 52.8) Duhng, The Barrens (55.2 31.8) Mudduk, Stranglethorn Vale (31.4 28.0) Pyall Silentstride, Mulgore (45.4 58.0) ...
evolution from a cooking trainer. Keep in mind there are also recipes that contain fish in them where you may need to use in order to level up the only fished used in these recipes areGolden Carpwhich you can buy off the auction house or fish for them yourself in the waters of ...
Walk up to a guard in any of these major cities below and ask where the Cooking trainer is located. Horde:Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, Silvermoon City, Undercity Alliance:Stormwind, Ironforge, Darnassus, The Exodar After you ask the guard, the trainer will be marked with a red mark on your...
the quest from the Washed-Up Mage in Dalaran. You can conveniently purchase the ingredients below for cheap from Alfred Copperworth, the butler in Dalaran's Purple Parlor, from Applebough, the fruit vendor on the street below, and Umbiwa and Mimbihi in The Filthy Animal for Horde players....
RecipeVendor for HordeVendor for Alliance Recipe: Brilliant SmallfishHarn Longcast in Bloodhoof Village, MulgoreTharynn Bouden in Goldshire, Elwynn Forest Recipe: Longjaw Mud SnapperHarn Longcast in Bloodhoof Village, MulgoreTharynn Bouden in Goldshire, Elwynn Forest ...
Horde First you need to learn Master Cooking, so go see Baxter in the tavern in Thrallmar and buy the Master Cooking Manual. 300 to 325 Buy the recipe for Ravager Dogs from Cookie One-Eye in Thrallmar (by the stables) and then go kill Ravagers around Falcon Watch until you have about...