("Enter a string: "); gets(str); for( i = 0; str[ i ]; i++) str[ i ] = toupper( str[ i ] ); printf("%s\n", str); /* uppercase string */ for(i = 0; str[ i ]; i++) str[i] = tolower(str[ i ]); printf("%s\n", str); /* lowercase string */ return ...
Use the Custom Function to Convert String to Lowercase in C A more flexible solution would be to implement a custom function that takes the string variable as the argument and returns the converted lowercase string at a separate memory location. This method is essentially the decoupling of the ...
// Swift program to convert the// string into lowercasevar str="Hello World"var result=str.lowercased() print("Result: ",result) Output: Result: hello world ...Program finished with exit code 0 Press ENTER to exit console. Explanation: ...
//package com.book2s; public class Main { public static void main(String[] argv) { String str = "book2s.com"; System.out.println(toLowerCase(str)); }/*from w w w . j a va 2s. c o m*/ public static String toLowerCase(String str) { StringBuffer buffer = new String...
Turbo C++ OR C. Programming #include < stdio.h > #include < string.h > int main() { char string[1000]; printf("Input a string to convert to lower case\n"); gets(string); printf("Input string in lower case: \"%s\"\n", strlwr(string)); return 0; } Explanation:...
Program to convert string into lowercase and uppercase without using library function in C #include<stdio.h>/*** function name :stringLwr, stringUpr* Parameter :character pointer s* DescriptionstringLwr - converts string into lower casestringUpr - converts string into upper case***/voidstringL...
$ string=${string~} $ echo "$string" A few words To turn off adeclareattribute, use+. For example,declare +c string. This affects subsequent assignments and not the current value. Thedeclareoptions change the attribute of the variable, but not the contents. The reassignments in my example...
Converts an object to a lowercase string based on the specified parameters. csharp 复制 public override object ConvertTo (System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext ctx, System.Globalization.CultureInfo ci, object value, Type type); Parameters ctx ITypeDescriptorContext An object that implements the...
toLowerCase(): Converts all characters in a string to lowercase. toUpperCase(): Converts all characters in a string to uppercase. These methods are part of thejava.lang.Stringclass and work seamlessly for any string input. Using toLowerCase() and toUpperCase() ...
toLowerCase(): Converts all characters in a string to lowercase. toUpperCase(): Converts all characters in a string to uppercase. These methods are part of thejava.lang.Stringclass and work seamlessly for any string input. Using toLowerCase() and toUpperCase() ...