kn to kg conversion table: 0.1 kN= 10.2 kg2.1 kN= 214.1 kg4.1 kN= 418.1 kg7 kN= 713.8 kg 0.2 kN= 20.39 kg2.2 kN= 224.3 kg4.2 kN= 428.3 kg8 kN= 815.7 kg 0.3 kN= 30.59 kg2.3 kN= 234.5 kg4.3 kN= 438.5 kg9 kN= 917.7 kg ...
1 kN is equal to 224.81 lb Metric Ton (t) 0.1 Kilonewton (kN) 1 Kilogram (kg) 101.97 Hectogram (hg) 1,019.72 Decagram (dag) 10,197.16 Gram (g) 101,971.6 Carat 509,858 Centigram 10,197,160.05 Milligram (mg) 101,971,600.5 Microgram (µg) 1.02×1011 Nanogram (...
1 newton is equal to 0.001 kilonewton, or 0.001 kn. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between kilonewtons and kilonewtons. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units!
Go ahead and convert your own value of kg to kN in the converter below.1 kg is equal to 0.01 kN If you wish you can reverse the conversion by using the converter for kN to kgFor other conversions in mass, use the mass conversion tool.Facts...
Convert Kilonewton Per Square Millimeter to Kilonewton Per Square Centimeter (kN/mm2 in kN/cm2). Kilonewton Per Square Millimeter and Kilonewton Per Square Centimeter both are the units of PRESSURE. See the charts and tables conversion here!
to Kilos kg kg Kilos to Hectograms hg hg Hectograms to Kilos kg kg Kilos to Kilonewtons (mass) kN kN Kilonewtons (mass) to Kilos kg kg Kilos to Pounds lb lb Pounds to Kilos kg kg Kilos to Troy pounds lb t lb t Troy pounds to Kilos kg kg Kilos to Long tons lo tn lo tn ...
Convert Kilonewtons to Tons Force[long] (kN in tf long). Kilonewtons and Tons Force[long] both are the units of FORCE. See the charts and tables conversion here!
“kt”或“kn” 海里 “admkn” 压力单位 下表显示了支持的压力度量单位,以及各自使用的常数。 计量单位 常数 帕斯卡 “Pa”或“p”(可配合公制前缀使用) 大气压 “atm”或“at”(可配合公制前缀使用) 毫米汞柱 “mmHg”(可配合公制前缀使用) 磅/平方英寸 “psi” 托 “Torr” ...
to Pounds lb lb Pounds to Hectograms hg hg Hectograms to Pounds lb lb Pounds to Kilos kg kg Kilos to Pounds lb lb Pounds to Kilonewtons (mass) kN kN Kilonewtons (mass) to Pounds lb lb Pounds to Troy pounds lb t lb t Troy pounds to Pounds lb lb Pounds to Long tons lo tn lo ...
语法CONVERT(number,from_unit,to_unit)Number 是以from_unit为单位的需要进行转换的数值。From_unit 是数值的单位。To_unit 是结果的单位。CONVERT接受from_unit和to_unit的以下文本值(引号中):度量系统体重和...