Als u aan een document werkt en tekst moet toevoegen die is geschreven in een andere taal dan de taal die u normaal gesproken gebruikt, kunt u de spelling en grammatica van die tekst laten controleren door Office. Instructies voor het gebruiken van t...
Hi community, I have Excel 2021 on my Mac, and I was trying to add ActiveX controls into my workbook, but when I added the "Developer" tab...
Hi Experts, I have exported a file containing a large amount of data where its origin has a parent-child structure. But once you open the file, this structure is shown as a single column and the ...
Between the Sub and the End Sub statements, enter the following: Copy Unload frmDetail Next, select the Activate event from the right drop-down list at the top of the code window. Type the following code into thefrmDetail_Activateevent procedure: Copy ' The LoadView procedure contains ...
包含Microsoft Excel 控件属性。示例使用Shape 对象的 ControlFormat 属性可返回 ControlFormat 对象。 下例为第一张工作表上的列表框控件设置填充区域。备注 如果形状不是控件, ControlFormat 属性将失败;如果控件不是列表框, ListFillRange 属性将失败。VB 复制 Worksheets(1).Shapes(1).ControlFormat.ListFillRange =...
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\Options On theEditmenu, point toNew, and then clickDword Value. Type LegacyAnchorResize, and then press ENTER. In the details pane, right-clickLegacyAnchorResize, and then clickModify. ...
对该属性进行设置将破坏列表框中的所有列表项。 读/写 String。语法表达式。ListFillRange表达 一个代表 ControlFormat 对象的变量。备注Microsoft Excel 阅读区域中的每一单元格的内容,并将单元格值插入到列表框中。 该列表跟踪区域单元格中的更改。如果列表框中的列表是使用 AddItem 方法创建的,则此属性返回空字符串...
I would like to use a button to unprotect a worksheet. Currently while modifying a worksheet that is protected, I either have to go into the macros and edit out all the protection instructions and then put them all back again or enter in the password…
Namespace: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll Specifies the type of the form control.C# Copy public enum XlFormControlInheritance Enum XlFormControl FieldsExpand table NameValueDescription xlButtonControl 0 Button. xlCheckBox 1 Check box. xlDropDown 2 ...
La importación de los datos a Excel tarda un momento.Pasos siguientesEn este artículo se proporciona información sobre cómo usar el controlador ODBC de Microsoft Hive para recuperar datos del servicio HDInsight en Excel. De manera similar, puede recuperar datos del servicio HDInsight en la ...