1. To list all Queue Managers with their current status, use the commanddspmq. 2. To view the MQ Series version, typedspmqver. 3. To create a Queue Manager, use the commandcrtmqm <QueueManager Name>. For example,crtmqm Exercise1QM. Note that when using MQ Explorer, a listener will b...
类的属性 ListControl 允许您指定用于填充列表控件的数据源。 DataSource使用 属性指定要绑定到列表控件的数据源。 如果数据源包含多个表,请使用 DataMember 属性指定要使用的表。 可以通过分别设置 DataTextField 和ListItem.Value 属性,将数据源中的不同字段绑定到ListItem.Text列表控件中项的 和 DataV...
You use conditional statements to specify a condition and one or more commands to execute if the condition is evaluated as true or false. There are two types of conditional statements in AL:if-then-else, where there are two choices case, where there are more than two choices...
Within each caller-callee report, the callers and callees are sorted by the caller-callee sort metrics (csort). You can limit the number of panels written by using thelimitcommand (seeCommands That Control Output). The selected (center) function is marked with an asterisk, as shown in thi...
Remote commands Used to execute non-interactive commands on a remote system (rshell, rcp). 515 lpd Printer service Line Printer Daemon. It is a print service. 517 talk Talk Remotely talks with server and client. 540 uucp Unix-to-Unix Copy Program ...
Execute shell commands and see real-time output Display and filter device logs Useadb connectto connect to a remote device as if it was plugged in to your computer, regardless ofADBmode and whether you're connected to the same network ...
[...] Note that shell commands will be executed from the top-level directory of a repository, which may not necessarily be the current directory. It's also handy to know that $GIT_PREFIX will be the path to the current directory relative to the top-level directory of a repository. But...
sanitizerAllowlist Lists other kinds of content that can be displayed in the editor. See defaultSupportedProps showAsTabControl Allows you to display more commands above the content area. Must be set to true to use the following properties: showFullScreenExpander, showHtml, showPreview, showPreview...
Table 12-52 provides a summary of ASMCMD Oracle ASM File Access Control commands.Table 12-52 Summary of ASMCMD File Access Control Commands CommandDescription chgrp Changes the user group of a file or list of files. chmod Changes permissions of a file or list of files. chown Changes the ...
Commands are stored inautorun.inf (even when blocked by the OS, plus compatible with AMenu's autorun.inf and instantly editable via a special button)Nowhere, they're just automatically loaded from sub-foldersAn additional folder and INI file for each and every launcher (as there's no menu)...