Content Manager(下称CM)(下载地址:是一个针对于Assetto Corsa的第三方增强管理软件。可以替代原本神力科莎的界面,直接运行游戏,管理mod和赛道、调试参数,都非常方便。 Content Manager主界面 它还可以配合浏览器插件在多个知名模拟赛车网站上,下载车辆mod、赛道等资源。...
2. 手动安装:打开下载的压缩包,进入 Sol 子目录,将此目录中的所有文件解压至AC游戏根目录中(默认位于 steamapps\common\assettocorsa )。 3. 打开CM,按图示依次点击 [设置] > [CONTENT MANAGER] > [驾驶]。在 [扩展天气] 下除去前两项的打勾,只保留 [使用自定义天气粒子]。 4. 按图示依次点击 [设置] ...
转贴:【神力科莎教程..【神力科莎教程系列】 如何安装Content Manager - 神力科莎必备启动器_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili转自:
As the name suggests, Assetto Corsa Content Manager also works as a handymanagement hubfor your mods. It can also help you organize your cars, car skins, showrooms, fonts, and other types of downloaded content. However, thefree—lite version—has restricted accessto new features, WIP sections...
Assetto Corsa - Porsche Pack I introduces some of the most iconic Porsche cars ever created, coupled with some of the most recent models of the Porsche...
content ma..content manager点击开始出现错误(如图),怎么破?图片上传失败。。。错误couldn't run steam在main log.log文件中查看更多信息怎么解决?
从content m..选择cars config 然后在右上角有三个竖排小点 点开来有个install automatically(recommend)默认是打上勾的,点一下把勾取消掉就行。可以再点开三点查看,选项前没有勾
3回复贴,共1页 <返回assettocorsa吧有用content manager的大佬吗,我的为啥进不去游 只看楼主收藏回复 Captivity_Y 车队修理 2 有用content manager的大佬吗,我的为啥进不去游戏,显示一直加载数据送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2019-09-01 14:48回复 ...
It seems they have also optimised the game since I originally bought it so I can run it ok on triple screens with a GTX 1070 on medium to low settings. I find it hard going back to AC to race GT cars now, as ACC has better graphics and sounds. Would recommend it to those new ...