Ralph A. ReisELSEVIERAmerican Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology
(F = 1.57,p= 0.026), indicating that the prey of the hammerheads aged 0–3 years shifted from Platycephalidae to Myliobatidae. Levin’s niche overlap index was low (0.05–0.21), indicating that <3-year-old juvenile great hammerheads are specialized predators. The estimated trophic level ...
The fifindings from hierarchical cluster analysis were subsequently used for the next stages of data analysis, where the twelve thematic maps were aassssigned ttootthheeiirrccoorrrreessppoonnddiinnggppoossiittiivvee, nneeuuttrraall,, or nneeggaatitviveetoptoicpicclucsltuers.teInr.thIne ntehxet ...
Some users may also log in directly via OpenAthens. Please note that there are currently a number of duplicate entries in the list of institutions. We are actively working on fixing this issue and apologize for any inconvenience caused. Institution Name ...
Chen, G.-R. Xue, W. Dai, and Y. Yu. Heterogeneous transfer learning for image clustering via the social web. In ACL, pages 1–9, 2009. [29] Z. Yu, F. Wu, Y. Yang, Q. Tian, J. Luo, and Y. Zhuang. Discriminative coupled dictionary hashing for fast cross-media retrieval. In...
Sure, you could complain that it's just another sausage in the long pro- duction line of drama about white, privileged self-pitying types (c.f. the horrible Damsels In Distress, the much better TV show Girls), but you'd be missing its self-effacing humour, not to mention its innate ...
北京2023年10月7日 /美通社/ -- 日前,国际独立第三方检测、检验和认证机构德国莱茵T V大中华区(简称"T V莱茵")与中国电影器材有限责任公司(简称"中影器材")在北京中影国际影城党史馆CINITY LED影厅举行颁证仪式,为中影CINITY LED影院屏幕颁发了低蓝光、无频闪认证证书。
G全l球ob领al跑P者io的ne逆e袭r 之路 亚AP太A地C区of在fe物rs联g网re应at用p方ot面en潜t力ial巨fo大r,IoT 但ap碎p片lic化at状io态ns使, b得u该t f地ra区g的m业en务ta开ti展on极presents 具co挑m战p.lex该c地h区all因en而g落es后fo于r整bu个s世in界es,ses in the 不...
4BR, Basement $49,900 i22Gn90ga36rR2a0ogHoeNam"no-,lreD3wyi,anbHilnkaag,ymHRtaroaauommtmoctkr$rae-3mp42ac,B0ikre0df0-aro"coPimloitrsyt,,aLiginve-- 2c3lu4d8inNgotrhweal2k f-aFmulillyBrhicokm3eBaRt,2L0R5, 4DRN,or- Fwinailskh.e$d6B5a,s0e0m0en-tN, 2ewcaPr griacrea!
Schilde, UUhlemann, EWeller, FLehmann, AInt J Tuberc Lung DisInternational Journal of Tuberculosis & Lung Disease the Official Journal of the International Union Against Tuberculosis & Lung DiseaseBansse, W., Ludwig, E., Schilde, U. (1995) Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 621: pp. 1275...