Congressional Republicans Find Spending May Not Decide Races.The article reports that Congressional Republican political candidates have found out that campaign spending is not the deciding factor in winning the election.Wall Street Journal - Eastern Edition...
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA): The President's Budget Request and Congressional Appropriations for FY2003 Plants, Patents, and Seed Innovation in the Agricultural Industry Section 1983 and the Spending Power: Enforcement of Federal "Laws" Immigration: Alien Registration Militar...
Leaders in both parties of the U.S. House of Representatives have taken steps to allow members to request limited “earmarks” on spending bills nearly 10 years after Congress banned these discretionary spending provisions that direct funds to specific recipients. The Senate...
because few of these issues have a direct impact on their lives (that is, aside from war, defense spending, or trade policy) (Almond 1950; Delli Carpini and Keeter 1996; Lippman 1922). 2 One implication of voters’ inattentiveness in foreign policy is that it effectively frees MCs fro...
Figures is the only one of the four remaining candidates who has direct ties to Mobile. He is the son of state Sen. Vivian Figures of Mobile, and her late husband, Michael, who was in the state Senate from 1978-1996. During the March 5 primary, Figures scor...
Califf said earlier this week that the agency hasn't yet reached a conclusion on whether bacteria from the plant caused the infant infections. Abbott has said there is no direct evidence linking its products to the illnesses. The baby formula shortage is the first major crisis for Califf...
The House passed a resolution introduced by Representative David Dreier, that requires the House Budget Committee chair to include the contemplated allocations for the fiscal year 2011 that assume non-security spending at 2008 levels or less in the "Congressional Record."McArthur...
doi:10.1016/0016-7185(79)90003-4R.J. JohnstonElsevier LtdGeoforumJohnston R J, 1979, "Congressional committees and the inter-state distribution of military spending" Geoforum 10 151-162
Huge spending cuts in medicare/medicaid proposed by Congressional Budget Committeesdoi:10.1016/S0197-4572(82)80087-6ELSEVIERGeriatric Nursing