config:preverifyjsapi:fail 错误信息表明在调用微信 JS-SDK 的 wx.config 方法时,前置验证失败。以下是对该错误信息的详细解释、可能的原因、解决方法、注意事项以及验证步骤: 1. 错误信息含义 config:preverifyjsapi:fail 错误表示在调用微信 JS-SDK 的功能之前,SDK 进行的前置验证没有通过。这通常发生在尝试使用...
I'm experiencing this bug as well. I'd like to help and test out the 0.278.0-pre-release as you've requested. I'm a long-time VSCode user, but I am very green to the extension ecosystem. Where can I find the VSIX file for the 0.278.0-pre-release of the Dev Containers extension...
Also, use the show interface command to verify the interface configuration for the interfaces used in any connection tests that failed. If these actions do not identify the problem, there are other steps you can take. See Troubleshooting High Availability (Failover). Step 4 When ...
Also, use the show interface command to verify the interface configuration for the interfaces used in any connection tests that failed. If these actions do not identify the problem, there are other steps you can take. See Troubleshooting High Availability (Failover). Step 4 When ...
2) 确认config中nonceStr(js中驼峰标准大写S), timestamp与用以签名中的对应noncestr, timestamp一致...
2) 确认config中nonceStr(js中驼峰标准大写S), timestamp与用以签名中的对应noncestr, timestamp一致...
我也遇到了,最终发现是配置的问题。我们的项目是Vue.js,该页面是企业微信环境和微信环境通用,而微信环境的初始化是放在组件内的,企业微信环境的初始化是放在mixin中的,且二者同名,都是initWxConfig,导致组件覆盖了mixin的,最终报了preVerifyJSAPI:fail 楼主...