Die Hardwarekonfiguration eines Dell Computers kann über die Website Dell.com/support, das BIOS oder das System-Setup oder das DirectX-Diagnosetool überprüft werden, das in Windows integriert ist. Wenn Sie die technischen Daten der Hardwaregeräte in Ihrem Dell Computer identifiziere...
Verwenden Sie eine der folgenden Methoden, um Computer mit Windows Server 2003 oder Windows 2000 remote von Computern zu verwalten, auf denen Windows Server 2003, Windows XP oder Windows 2000 ausgeführt wird:Installieren und verwenden Sie grafische Verwaltungstools, die im Verwaltungs...
Ovládací prvek LocateControl Lock LockedLink LockXAxis Zámek ZámekZAxis Protokol LogError Loginname Přihlašovací obrazovka Loginstatus LoginUser LoginWindowsAuthentication LogPopulation LogPopulationError LogPopulationWarning ProtokolProperty LogProvider LogWarning LookupChoiceFieldIndex Skupina vyhled...
Spetzger U, Gilsbach JM, MoE sges R, SchloE ndor¨ G, Laborde G (1997) The computer-assisted localizer, a navigational help in microneurosurgery. Eur Surg Res 29: 481±487Nezhat, C, Lewis, M, Kotikela, S, Veeraswamy, A, Saadat, L, Hajhosseini, B, Nezhat, C (2010) Robotic ...
They are posed by life, by everyday practical experience, and by the level of modem technology. The creation of new industrial complexes, the solution of large-scale economic problems involving the interaction of men and nature, and the development of new aircraft, rockets, or other complex ...
It examines the question whether strategies and software from production engineering can also be used in the processing industry and the extent to which chemically specific supplementation is necessary.doi:10.1002/cite.330690106Dr. Winfried JänickeChemie Ingenieur Technik...
No abstract is available for this article.Wichner, P.SaarbrückenJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Nachrichten aus der Chemie
doi:doi:10.1007/3-540-61730-2_11Rapid prototyping is a well accepted method in microelectronics. Early validation of an ASIC design is possible through emulation using FPGAs. Thus, specification errors can be eliminated and the overall development time and costs are reduced significantly. One of ...
UMLmodelingThe process of modeling the computer-aided operation process analysis system based on UML was elaborated in this paper. First, we defined the requirements of the system, used "use case diagram" to model it. Analyzing the classes in the system and finding out the relations between ...