Theorem: The set of computable functions is closed under composition. Proof: Given computable f and g, we wish to show that g∘f is computable. Let S be a Turing machine that computes f, and T a Turing machine that computes g, such that the states of S and T are disjoint. Let ...
E. (1995), 'Effective Procedures and Computable Functions,' Minds and Machines 5, pp. 9-23.Cleland, C. (1995), `Effective procedures and computable functions', Minds and Machines 5, 9-23.Cleland, C. E. (1995), 'Effective Procedures and Computable Functions',' Minds and Machines 5, ...
1. LCF, 一个(Dana Scott)的可计算函数逻辑(Logic of Computable Functions)的实现机制,(可能)是第一个理论上和实践上都具备的 …|基于32个网页 2. 可计算函式逻辑 LCF项目是受Dana Scott给出的一组逻辑原则启发而设立的,致力于开发一种“可计算函式逻辑”(Logic of Computable Functions)…www...
1) ω-computable functions ω-可计算函数1. In this paper we discuss the stability of ω-Turing machines and give a definition for ω-computable functions defined on the set of all infinite strings of a finite alphabet. 在这篇文章里我们讨论ω-Turing机的稳定性并且定义了在一个有限字母表的...
Ziegler: "Computable Functions of Reals", pp.43-66 in M"unster Journal of Math- ematics vol.3 (2010).Katrin Tent & Martin Ziegler. Computable functions of reals. Mu¨nster J. Math., 3:43-66, 2010.K. Tent, M. Ziegler, Computable functions of reals, Mu¨nster J. Math., 3 (...
Computable functions in tabular databasesWe provide a formalization of data structures used in tabular databases. A tabular computable function is defined. A finite base of the algebra of computable tabular functions is constructed, using the operations multiply, branch, loop, and parallel execution....
I am trying to get a better understanding of the philosophical implications of non-computable functions, and this is some fix idea I had to which I d…
Solvable special cases of the problem of effectively finding programs (when they exist) for pseudo-extensions of partial recursive functions are characterized. 关键词: Theoretical or Mathematical/ computability and decidability programming theory recursive functions/ well-behaved programs pseudoextensions ...
Logic for Computable Functions ML Pop-11 Recursive Function speed-up theorem Theory of Algorithms Turing computable function Turing, Alan Mathison Encyclopedia browser ? ▲ Compu$erve Compulink Information eXchange compulsion compulsive gambling compulsive personality disorder compulsive reaction compulsory acquis...
Classes of computable functions defined by bounds on computation. Preliminary report. The structure of the functions computable in time or space bounded by t is investigated for recursive functions t. The t-computable classes are shown to be... E Mccreight - Acm Symposium on Theory of ...