$222 and $233. The average of those figures is $218. If you multiply $218 by the square footage of the home in question — for instance, 2,100 square feet — the home’s value based on comparable PPSF might be around $457,800. With this calculation, you now have a ballpark estimat...
You can always hire an appraiser if you are having difficulty or aren’t confident with your price. While this could cost around $500, it will be worth it if it helps you avoid selling your home for less than its value. Real Estate agents will likely provide free real estate comps in ...
We have an active lease in an industrial area in Detroit that pays around $2,000 per month, and we've had some interest by a couple of firms to buy it … Tower Rates in Northwestern PA Was approached by a company to put up a tower. They wanted to give us a lump sum of $35,...
The house search continues as we try to see how much our parents’ house is really worth and if we can afford to live near them. BesidesZillow.com, I also like the home valuation tool from HomeGain, where you can get a real estimate from a local real estate agent for your house. It...
So learning your way around the host system can make the whole comp system more flexible for you, and be a great supplement to the other systems, even for the heavy quarter player. One poster on the Internet put it this way: “Getting comps at the slot club booth is like paying full ...