The advantages of EORTC QLQ-STO52 are: (1) the scale is compatible with the current clinical treatment techniques and can better respond to the symptomatic changes and objective status of gastric cancer patients; (2) the assessment is simple and rapid. Its disadvantages are that it only allows...
The topic “Technology-Enhanced Teaching and the Concept of TPACK” also demonstrates a negative acceleration value, reflecting a rapid decline in interest. Conversely, “Digital Technologies and Learning Strategies” displays a slight negative acceleration, indicating a gradual decrease in research ...
ICT competencies, and information literacy. Additionally, the study explores the potential of adaptive learning technologies and personalized learning environments to transform education by tailoring experiences to individual needs. Effective
Currently, in the context of the rapid development of artificial intelligence, the phenomenon of distorted information in AIGC has become the focus of contemporary research. Particularly in the context of artificial intelligence, the phenomenon of distorted information in AIGC has emerged as a focal ...
While not being immune to several shortcomings (many of which are shared with more traditional systematic literature review methods) (Ganann et al., 2010; Haby et al., 2016), a rapid review was deemed suitable in this case given the small size of the review space and the objective nature ...
V. (2020). People with suspected COVID-19 symptoms were more likely depressed and had lower health-related quality of life: the potential benefit of health literacy. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9(4), 965. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Oldekop, J. A., Horner, R., ...
Choose BMC and benefit from: • fast, convenient online submission • thorough peer review by experienced researchers in your field • rapid publication on acceptance • support for research data, including large and complex data types • gold Open Access which fosters wider collaboration and...
Therefore, this study aimed to establish a comprehensive conceptual framework for food literacy, and thereby develop a validated measurement tool based on this framework applicable to the Korean population. 2. Materials and Methods The study design consists of three steps. First, a conceptual ...
The results also suggest that media literacy interventions have the potential to improve and reduce body dissatisfaction, particularly those that induce cognitive dissonance. Interventions can improve with regard to evaluating the effectiveness of intervention programs [39], improving body image assessment [...
Although the body undergoes rapid maturation during adolescence, cognitive abilities may remain immature in terms of abstract thinking and social development [3]. This discrepancy can lead to unique problems such as increased vulnerability to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), as well as a ...