The topic “Technology-Enhanced Teaching and the Concept of TPACK” also demonstrates a negative acceleration value, reflecting a rapid decline in interest. Conversely, “Digital Technologies and Learning Strategies” displays a slight negative acceleration, indicating a gradual decrease in research ...
With the rapid development of higher education informatization, teaching quality evaluation has gradually become a key part of current teaching activities. Teaching quality evaluation work for comprehensive universities occupies an important main position as the core work in the process of educational ...
Currently, in the context of the rapid development of artificial intelligence, the phenomenon of distorted information in AIGC has become the focus of contemporary research. Particularly in the context of artificial intelligence, the phenomenon of distorted information in AIGC has emerged as a focal ...
While not being immune to several shortcomings (many of which are shared with more traditional systematic literature review methods) (Ganann et al., 2010; Haby et al., 2016), a rapid review was deemed suitable in this case given the small size of the review space and the objective nature ...
Cancer care is a highly complex, high-risk, discipline characterized by rapid development of new therapies. To provide the safest and most effective care, comprehensive cancer centers must establish systems to assess and monitor the quality and safety of care. There are multiple components of a qu...
In the domain of teaching, GAI showcases promising opportunities for lesson planning, personalized learning support, rapid assessment and evaluation, and addressing learners’ queries [12]. Furthermore, Markel et al. [14] have introduced a novel AI tool called “GPTeach”, which is specifically ...
AI offers innovative solutions for risk assessment, predictive maintenance, seafarer resource management, and navigation, transforming the maritime industry by improving operational safety and efficiency [13,14]. This review aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of AI applications in maritime safety and...
Knowledge Assessment: Treatment Monitoring 20個詞語 1st responders exam 6 6個詞語 Dr. Waters PE 225 First Aid Midterm 77個詞語 Adult Medical Surgical 39個詞語 Rapid Response Team and Code Management 19個詞語 Pharm Final 121個詞語 本學習集中的詞語(55) ...
The competence-oriented assessment mentioned in the international test focuses more on “scientific literacy”, “mathematical literacy” and “reading literacy”. What is a literacy proposition? Taking the connotation of “scientific literacy” of PISA as an example, the content includes testing the ...
Regarding the impact of these bias sources on the methods employed in identifying threshold concepts, Barradell warns that ‘...the rapid acceptance of something that is still emerging... means that aspects of the discussion around threshold concepts have not necessarily been conducted with the rigo...