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Improvement in composition grave-stones, monumentsEdwaed A. Locke
This paper investigates the possibility of using the method of flash pyrolysis-gas chromatography for the quantitative determination of the composition of free-radically prepared cis - or trans -1,3-pentadiene–acrylonitrile copolymers and for evaluation of their comonomer sequence distributions in terms...
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This model taking into account of all HFER zeolite characteristics, in particular of it shape selectivity for isobutene formation.Guía de Fuentes de Información para la OsteoporosisBibliogr
Duration of asystolic reperfusion and reperfusate electrolyte composition influence postcardioplegia ventricular fibrillation : Holman WL, Spruell RD, Pacifico AD: J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 106:511–519, 1993doi:10.1016/1053-0770(94)90076-0SDOSJournal of Cardiothoracic & Vascular Anesthesia...