The proposed technique has shown rapid implementation and low soft tissue dissection, early return to ambulation, adequate strength of the implant without associated external immobilization and absence of articular reaction until 90 days after surgery....
Depois de criar um fluxo e testá-lo corretamente, convém implantá-lo como um ponto de extremidade para que você possa invocar o ponto de extremidade para inferência em tempo real. Neste artigo, você aprenderá como implantar um fluxo como um ponto de extremidade online ...
Luís Pe?a BarthelJesús Javier De laArchivos Espaoles De UrologíaCansino Alcaide JR, Alvarez Maestro M, Martin Hernandez M, Cabrera Castillo PM, Perez-Utrilla Perez M, Rodriguez de Bethencourt F, et al. Implante de balones parauretrales como tratamiento de la incontinencia urinaria masculina...
Um dos requisitos para implantar o sistema na infraestrutura da FAU é que a aplicação utilize HTTPS. Esta tarefa consiste em definir o que é necessário ajustar no backend e no frontend para que funcione com https.Edited 9 months ago...
The anaesthetic management is described on a patient without cardiac transplantation criteria. The device was successfully implanted as a destination therapy.doi:10.1016/j.redar.2015.06.007del Barrio Gómez, E.Rodríguez, J.M.Martínez, S.García, E....
First case of successful implantation of intracorporeal full magnetically levitated continuous centrifugal flow left ventricular assist device HeartMate 3 Abbott as destination therapy in Argentina in a female patient, 52-years-old with non compaction cardiomyopathy, severe left ventr...
An intravitreal implant of 0.7mg dexamethasone (Ozurdex庐, Allergan) was performed on both eyes, after a partial response of the macular oedema to oral and subtenon corticosteroids. Anatomical and visual improvements were observed and maintained after six months of follow up. Intravitreal dexamethasone...
Revista Cubana De Oftalmolog ANaranjo Fernandez RM, Estevez Miranda Y, Mendez Sanchez TJ. Implante de lente intraocular en ninos como solucion a los problemas sociales de la ceguera por catarata congenita. Rev Cubana oftalmol. 2011 [citado 25 feb 2013]; 24(2)....
Therefore, the control of adhesion formation is critical to restore the structural integrity of the tendon, as well as its biomechanical function. The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavior of the biosynthetic cellulose membrane implanted in foals with surgically induced ...
The postoperative evaluation was carried out at the seven days, month, at three months, at six months and up to year after surgery keeping in mind the presence and intensity of the pain, erythema, edema, infection or exposition of the implant biomaterial according to the indication in the ...