Data SetBasic MetaUser Context UsersItemsRatings (Scale)DensityUsersLinks (Type) Ciao[1]7,375105,114284,086[1, 5]0.0365%7,375111,781Trust Epinions[2]40,163139,738664,824[1, 5]0.0118%49,289487,183Trust Douban[3]2,84839,586894,887[1, 5]0.794%2,84835,770Trust ...
“This explains most of the previous failures of drug trials against rhinovirus,” study leader Professor Ann Palmenberg at University of Wisconsin-Madison, US, told Science Daily.Now, more than 10 years after the discovery of rhinovirus C, scientists have finally built a highly-detailed 3-D ...
senator from Wisconsin, led an anti-Communist campaign from 1950 to 1954 that disrupted many lives in the United States. Communism in the United States Anti-Communist hysteria in the United States did not begin with Senator McCarthy's campaign in 1950. In Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. ...
insofar as they are, or refer to, statements of law or legal conclusions (excluding financial data included therein or omitted therefrom, as to which an opinion need not be expressed), have been prepared or reviewed by such counsel and are accurate in all material respects; (xiii) The ...
(PHA037) Results from the Wisconsin Common Loon Mercury Risk Assessment Project.Kenow, Kevin P
<book>Geographical Survey of Northern Wisconsin<\book> Where <book> is the start tag, and <\book> is the end tag. Shorthand Markup Shorthand markup is a streamlined tag set designed for authors who are using a standard text editor to "hand-tag" information. Shorthand markup provides several...
541 individuals and identified 144 loci. A recent GWAS on occupational status in the UKB data identified cognitive skills, scholastic motivation, occupational aspiration, personality traits and behavioural disinhibition (proxied by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) as potential mediating factors linking... OPEN Data Descriptor: A global multiproxy database for temperature reconstructions of the Common Era PAGES2k Consortium# Received: 22 July 2016 Accepted: 3 May 2017 Published: 11 July 2017 Reproducible climate reconstructions of the Common Era (1 CE to present) are ...
2, Supplementary Tables 5 and 6, and Supplementary Note). These analyses indicated that 10% of the reads in the reference genome data set were derived from the co-twin. We estimated the amount and size of marmoset segmental duplications using two computational methods, WGAC8 and WSSD9. ...
Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY TerritoryAbbreviation American Samoa AS Guam GU Marshall Islands MH Micronesia FM Northern Mariana Islands MP Palau PW Puerto Rico PR U.S. Virgin Islands VI bond type the type of bond as delineated across the primary product sub-categories of corporates, municipals, Ag...