Fig. 9. Schematic illustration of the chemiresistor functioning of chemically sensitive CPCs with selective detection of a gaseous analyte in air. On the left, the polymer matrix and the conductive filler pathways in absence of interactions with the surrounding environment are shown. On the right,...
In the Figure 1B circuit, CMR does depend on resistor matching. Common-mode signals will cause different com- mon-mode currents to flow through R and R if their G1 G2 values are not matched. Then, if the ratio of RFB1/RG1 is not exactly equal to the ratio of R /R , there ...
VIN+ R1(1) 5 k: VIN R1(1) 5 k: V+ A1 A2 G = 20, RL = 100 k: G = 50, RL = 250 k: G = 100, RL = 500 k: RL(1) INA193-INA198 GND OUT (1) Nominal resistor values are shown. ±15% variation is possible. Resistor ratios are matched to ±1%. Figure 21. INA193-...
In the Figure 1B circuit, CMR does depend on resistor matching. Common-mode signals will cause different com- mon-mode currents to flow through R and R if their G1 G2 values are not matched. Then, if the ratio of RFB1/RG1 is not exactly equal to the ratio of R /R , there ...
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one usually needs to plug in numbers representing the voltage reference and any input resistor divider ratios. Using exact numbers for these is suboptimal as the truth is that these specifications are fuzzy and have non-zero tolerances. Interval math can be used instead to output anintervalrepresen...
70pcs AMS1117 Voltage Regulator Kit 1.2V/1.5V/1.8V/2.5V/ 3.3V /5.0V/ADJ AMS1117-3.3V AMS1117-3.3 AMS1117-5.0 7 values Each 10PCSUSD 2.94/piece 1PCS 3590S series resistance 1K 2K 5K 10K 20K 50K 100K ohm Potentiometer Adjustable Resistor 3590 102 202 502 103 3590S-2USD 1.31/piece ...
Conventional resistors do not have constant values in practice. They are subjected to mechanical loads and the effects of temperature. Depending on the requirement, resistors with different tolerances or matched resistor pairs or networks, which for the most part are manufactured using thin fil...
When the tolerance is t = 1%, and in the worst case in which the resistor values may be as follows, (10) the output voltage is Vout = 2.413V. The extra 0.413V is the common-mode error which is significant, as it represents 20.6% of the nominal value. ...
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