1. Si vous installez une carte graphique dans un châssis d'ordinateur nouvellement acheté, vous devez d'abord retirer le cache du connecteur de l'emplacement d'extension sur le châssis en fonction de la position d'installation de la carte graphique. 2. Alignez l'encoche des doigts ...
Obtenez de l’aide Above information might be partly or entirely quoted from exterior websites or sources. please refer to the information based on the source that we noted. Please directly contact or inquire the sources if there is any further question and note that ASUS is neither relevant ...
Obtenez de l’aide Above information might be partly or entirely quoted from exterior websites or sources. please refer to the information based on the source that we noted. Please directly contact or inquire the sources if there is any further question and note that ASUS is neither relevant ...