当你遇到“command not found: gunicorn”这个错误时,通常意味着系统中没有找到名为gunicorn的命令。下面我将根据几个可能的原因逐一进行排查和解答: 确认是否已正确安装gunicorn: 首先,你需要确认是否已经在你的系统中安装了gunicorn。gunicorn是一个Python的WSGI HTTP服务器,常用于运行Python web应用。 你可以通过运行...
原因:未配置环境变量 解决:我安装gunicorn用的pip3,所以找到python3的bin目录,将入环境变量即可 export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/python3/bin
Docker启动ubuntu容器中使用sudo后报错,bash: sudo: command not found 2019-12-12 15:20 −出错问题: docker启动ubuntu容器后,使用sudo命令会出现如下报错: 解决方法: 需更新下软件源 apt-get update apt-get install sudo... 海大富_上海 0 6384 ...
在阿里云的ubantu云服务器上,python3 通过pip安装gunicorn 在命令行运行gunicorn时提示找不到命令 可以删除已经安装的gunicorn 解决办法: which pip #找到pip的路径 sudo /找到的路径 install gunicorn
Loaded your LOCAL configuration at [/app/superset/superset_config.py] Starting server with command: gunicorn -w 2 --timeout 60 -b --limit-request-line 0 --limit-request-field_size 0 superset:app /bin/sh: gunicorn: command not found i edit ./lib/python3.4/site-packages/...
('setuptools._distutils') File "C:\Users\jonapich\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\lib\importlib\__init__.py", line 127, in import_module return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level) ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'setuptools' WARNING: You are using pip ...
#deactivate: command not found# 因为你并没有在environment里面activate。解决办法:参考Creating a Python Virtual Environment for your Project 部分在O网页链接基本上,要先安装:sudo -H pip3 install virtualenv然后创建environment:virtualenv djangoprojectenv3. 启动:source myprojectenv/bin/activate4. 安装django...
Command 'curl' not found, but can be installed with: sudo snap install curl # version 7.76.1, or sudo apt install curl # version 7.68.0-1ubuntu2.5 See 'snap info curl' for additional versions. cURL not installed on Windows 'curl' is not recognized as an internal or external command, ...
Requirement not upgraded as not directly required: pytz in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (from django) (2018.3) Installing collected packages: django Found existing installation: Django 1.5.5 Uninstalling Django-1.5.5: Successfully uninstalled Django-1.5.5 ...
When you build the docker image by following the instructions on this page, you get an error saying ps command not found.johnlovesdata commented Nov 3, 2018 not sure if the Dockerfile has changed since the time this article was written, but it looks like procps is missing from the list...