This Minecraft tutorial explains how to use the /weather command with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. You can use the /weather command to change between weather cycles at any time (clear, rain, thunder or snow) for a Minecraft world.
To summon a lightning bolt at all creepers in Java Edition (PC/Mac) 1.10: /execute @e[type=Creeper] ~ ~ ~ /summon LightningBolt How to Enter the Command 1. Open the Chat Window The easiest way to run a command in Minecraft is within the chat window. Thegame controlto open the chat...
An enum of mainhand or offhand. Items available only in Minecraft Education Edition require the Education Edition toggle to be active. Those items are marked [Education Edition] in the description.Valuesmainhand Mainhand offhand Offhand minecraft:raw_copper_block Raw Copper Block minecraft:green_...
TheMinecraftPicoclilibrary facilitates the use of picocli inMinecraft Forge. Simple Java Mailnow offers a picocli-basedCLI. jbangnot only uses picocli internally, but also has a CLI template to generate an initial script: usejbang --init=cli helloworld.javato generate a sample picocli-enabled j...
For example, helmets reduce stalactite damage, and cats are immune to fall damage. Cause must be one of anvil, block_explosion, charging, contact, drowning, entity_attack, entity_explosion, fall, falling_block, fire, fire_tick, fireworks, fly_into_wall, freezing, lava, lightning, magic, mag...
Enums WeatherType An enum of clear, rain (or snow in cold biomes), or thunder (blizzard in cold biomes). Values clear Clear - no precipitation rain Rain - Precipitation, or snow in cold biomes thunder Thunder - Lightning and sky noises, blizzard in cold biomes反馈...
This mod adds Minecraft-like Command Blocks, along with other blocks. This is currently in development. As of 4.8, Command Blocks require you to be an Admin to edit. We now have a (half) Discord Server:
Are you are making a map or mini-game? Or any Minecraft command creation? Certainly, you want to populate it with cool sounds to improve the player experience. Sounds in games make a ton of difference! That’s why I want to share useful sounds for map-making to use with the playsound...
《粘液科技》做《粘液科技》 可以使用到/execute(主要) /testforblock /give /blockdata(主要) /effect /scoreboard(主要) /playsound(次要) /stopsound(次要)/summon(可能会用到) 分享5赞 minecraft吧 🔯水银之心🔯 【原版commandblock mod】更多的作死装备 低技术低含量高水量在我脑洞大开之后,我认为我...
Minecraft Enchantment List /enchant Command I’m acommandexpert! To enchant an item with a Minecraft command type the following in the chatwhile holding the item: /enchant @s ENCHANTMENT_ID ENCHANTMENT_LEVEL For instance, if you want to enchant a sword with unbreaking III: ...