必应词典为您提供command-w的释义,网络释义: 关闭一切窗口;打印日历和待办事项;关闭所有窗口;
w 即 window,Cmd + Q 则是「退出当前程序」,q 即 quit,两者可以类别为 Windows 下的 Ctrl + F...
FtpCommand函数将命令直接发送到 FTP 服务器。 语法 C++复制 BOOLFtpCommandW( [in] HINTERNET hConnect, [in] BOOL fExpectResponse, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in] LPCWSTR lpszCommand, [in] DWORD_PTR dwContext, [out] HINTERNET *phFtpCommand ); ...
Option-Shift-Command-W 滚动到顶部 Command-Home 滚动到底部 Command-End 上一页 Command-Page Up 下一页 Command-Page Down 上一行 Option-Command-Page Up 下一行 Option-Command-Page Down 编辑命令行 操作 快捷键 重新定位插入点 在按住 Option 键的同时将指针移到新的插入点。
Enables (if set to w=on) or disables (if set to w=off) Weitek coprocessor support. The default value is w=off.Notes on EMM386Installing the EMM386.EXE device driver.To use the emm386 command, you must also install the EMM386.EXE device driver by using the device command in CONFIG....
However, while all W APIs support UCS-2, and some were updated to also support UTF-16, not all W APIs fully support UTF-16. Also, Console doesn’t support some newer Unicode features includingZero Width Joiners (ZWJ)which are used to combine otherwise separate characters in, for example,...
--window, -w window-idRuns the given command in a specific window. The--windowparameter can be used to send commands to existing terminal windows. window-idmay either be the integer ID of a window, or the name of a window. It also accepts the following reserved values: ...
There are three options that can be used; these are c, w and 1, which stand for characters, words and lines. Sign in to download full-size image If no filename is given then the keyboard is taken as the input and a control-D ends the file input. Examples are: Sign in to ...
In Bash, use ctrl-w to delete the last word, and ctrl-u to delete the content from current cursor back to the start of the line. Use alt-b and alt-f to move by word, ctrl-a to move cursor to beginning of line, ctrl-e to move cursor to end of line, ctrl-k to kill to the...