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前往下载最新APK:Gitee、GitHub。 添加数据源方法 数据源接口文件:common/src/main/java/top/luqichuang/common/model/,根据不同数据源分为BaseComicSource、BaseNovelSource、BaseVideoSource三个主要父类。 以添加漫画源为例: 在common/src/main/java/top/luqichuang/mycomic/source文件夹下创建文件并继承...
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[注1] 也可以点击【Add file】添加 CBR、CBZ、CB7 或 PDF。 [注2] 不确定状态是指点击复选框后出现“横杠”的状态。 ———– 相关资料: 官方网站: Github 地址: © 「书伴 解释,也有人在 KCC 项目的 Issues 里提及...
Contribute to czp3009/picacomic-api development by creating an account on Pica Information Sheet - SEND Supported George Timlin and Joanna Burden Registered in England & Wales: 10611702 – SEND Supported Limited © 2017 Minerva Mill, Station Road, Alcester, England, B49 5ET...
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ComicReader (like ComicFlow before it) is also the first (and only?) open-source comic reader for iPad: get the full source from, forked from under GPL v3 license. ...
Repeat and follow rest of the GitHub workflow Release contingency Currently, the semantic build release method is broken so, with very limited resource to maintain this legacy code, we're reverting to updating the version number inpackage.jsonand runningnpm publish. ...
前往下载最新APK:Gitee、GitHub。 添加数据源方法 数据源接口文件:common/src/main/java/top/luqichuang/common/model/,根据不同数据源分为BaseComicSource、BaseNovelSource、BaseVideoSource三个主要父类。 以添加漫画源为例: 在common/src/main/java/top/luqichuang/mycomic/source文件夹下创建文件并继承...