Johnson from Funny Business Agency, it never is. Our clean and sidesplitting comedy shows rival those on Netflix and Comedy Central, offering quick-witted and comical laughter from the stage which is reminiscent of popular comedians like Jim Gaffigan, Brian Regan, and the legendary Jerry Seinfeld...
Now in its 33rdyear, the festival has featured comedy’s greatest stars and rising young comedians, including Jerry Seinfeld, Lily Tomlin, John Mulaney, Trevor Noah, Jay Leno, Sebastian Maniscalco, Amy Schumer, Brian Regan, Ellen DeGeneres, Lewis Black, W. Kamau Bell,...
bit as a meerkat broadcast . but those are just the highest-profile instances of a steadily growing phenomenon. a spokesman for the company said that jim gaffigan, chris hardwick and kirk fox—all comedians—are among the more popular broadcasters on the platform, which in august announced that...
A couple of comedic stars are coming to the Colosseum at Caesars Windsor. America's so-called "King of Clean Comedy" Jim Gaffigan is returning to the Colosseum stage November 3 with his "Secrets and Pies" tour. Gaffigan has appeared in several movies including Three Kings, Super Troopers 1...
I used to be able to eat anything I wanted and not gain a pound. Now, if I even look at a piece of cake, I gain 5 pounds. And my memory is shot. I can’t even remember what I had for breakfast this morning. It’s like my brain has a delete button and it’s getting a wo...
“Sure, I have friends, plenty of friends, and they all come around wantin’ to borrow money. I’ve always been generous with my friends and family, with money, but selfish with the important stuff like love.” Bob Hope AP “A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can ...
Jim Gaffigan Hilarious stand up comedian that will make you pee your pants 743 points - added 14 years ago by guest - 24 comments Comments: definitely in top 35 all time!!! Added 9 years ago by guest, 1 point He's like a boring stuffed animal! Comedian Joey Vincent, MLPS, MN...
Creator and star ofTheJim Gaffigan Show, Gaffigan brings his comic take on domestic life to Facebook Live, often with the aid of his wife. The comedian also has a genuine rapport with fans, and encourageslive chatson his Facebook page. His latest live-streaming masterstroke involved broadcasti...
Now he's going up as himself and doing characters. He's got an Andy Kaufman-like thing. I hate to define somebody like that, but he really takes risks. He also does a really great impression of me. I'm delighted by it." 18 DeAnne Smith View full post on Youtube "I had her on...
Jim Gaffigan / Via Advertisement 21. In 2007, Steve Martin got married to his girlfriend, Anne Stringfield, in a surprise ceremony. The 75 or so guests, including Diane Keaton, Tom Hanks, and Eugene Levy, were all told that it was just a normal party. Lorne Michaels, the...