Re: Why "Included" columns doesn't exist in MySQL? Is it the same as "Covering" indices?Posted by: Peter Brawley Date: March 26, 2013 02:35PM That's SQL Server. What problem are you trying to solve?Navigate: Previous Message• Next Message Options: Reply• Quote ...
[Empty openid Team Cleanup Cron] Error removing empty openid team: pq: column "issuer" does not exist added the above 2 into the teams table cleared all the errors. Maybe the migration scripts can add in an additional line that if it doesn't exists, create it? Just putting it out there...
Somehow I've messed my database while creating a new user it gives mysql.columns_priv doesn't exist. I checked myusql db and can't find this table. I already have few database and I'm using mySQL for live Websites. Q.1 Is it possible to create columns_priv table in mysql db?