The activities of CoA, dephospho CoA and 4-phosphopantetheine cofactors in the oxidation of α-ketoglutarate and in the acetylation p-aminoazobenzene are compared.doi:10.1002/hlca.19560390639Olga Brenner-HolzachF. LeuthardtWILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbHHelvetica Chimica Acta...
Constitutional influences and the influence of pH on the yields of acid amides are discussed in terms of a hypothesis concerning the mechanism of the reaction.doi:10.1002/hlca.19530360211R. SchwyzerWILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbHHelvetica Chimica Acta
A theoretical study of long-range H-H coupling constants across a dual homoallylic (H-C-C=C-C-H) and H-C-X-C-H path in five-membered rings is presented in terms of finite-perturbation theory (FPT) in the semiempirical INDO (intermediate neglect of differential overlap) approximation of ...