By Harry Passed 830-01 exam Today with 90% scort in my first attempt. 830-01 exam dumps really helped me a lot, thank you! By Kelly If you study with this 830-01 exam file and have experience, use your brain and trust your gut, gays, the exam is just a piece of cake in fr...
Harry-GS-bhatia 13 7y Hello all, Just started with the Rant. random 4 13 S-falken 1279 5y Well I'm officially terrified. My biz/coding partner in a project had to move back to China about a year ago. We have been working on a project for about 2 years. About two weeks we...
A few months ago, white supremacist trolls somehow arranged the suspension of the Twitter accounts of authors Harry Turtledove and Patrick Tomlinson. Both accounts were eventually restored but Twitter has no explanation of how this occurred nor have they offered an explanation of how it happened or ... by @harryjackson: a Java port of this project Metal llm.metal by @regrettable-username: LLM training in simple, raw C/Metal Shading Language Mojo llm.🔥 by @dorjeduck: a Mojo port of this project Rust by @ToJen: a Rust port of this project Zig llm.zig by ...
DFS. 确定leaf条件, && with all dfs(sub1, sub2). 这里无论如何都要走过所有的node, 所以dfs更加合适, 好写. BFS 两个queue存每个tree的所有current level node. Check equality, check queue size. Populate next level by nodes at current level. 48. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search
Harry-GS-bhatia 13 7y Hello all, Just started with the Rant. random 4 12 Its-a-feature 141 7y Guess who has 2 thumbs, half a brain and lost his job today... random rick and morty marathon? lost goddamn 11 12 src-tz 99 8y My password manager!! I use passwords I can...
guys just had blank stares. I thought I was Joe Cool and piped up, “Yeah, like Harry Belafonte, right?” Um, not exactly. I remember him shaking his head, and getting frustrated trying to explain it to us, the uninitiated. “You just have to hear it for yourself,” he kept saying...
[Death certificate application web form with Myself greyed out.] As a retired software developer, I cringe when I see the stupidity that occurs when people clone old code, plug in the new back end, and call it a day. Of course, the dev noticed the idiocy, so they changed the css on...
(Re) Introducing AJAX for ASP.NET with Prototype by thund3rstruck Writing and using cross platform AJAX in ASP.NET applications.[TinyERP: SPA for Enterprise Application] Handle Error/ Validation by [TinyERP: SPA for Enterprise Application] Handle Error/ Validation...
With the announcement that the new Silent Hills may be released in an episode format, it seems […] Action-adventureActivisionAssassin's CreedCall of DutyKonamiPCSilent HillsStealthUbisoft Will This Age-old Argument Follow Us Into the New Year?