根据fda职责人员的要求组织负有执行职责的人员应以书面形式证明本部分part820所要求的管理评审质量审核适用的供应商审核的活动已执行并保存记录记录应包括执行的日期和任何按要求已采取的纠正措施 CodeofFederalRegulations联邦法规代码 Code of Federal Regulations联邦法规代码Title 21——Food and Drugs...
Code of Federal Regulations联邦法规代码 Title 21——Food and Drugs Part820——医疗器械和设备制造质量体系法规 Part 820——质量体系法规——目录 Subpart A——通用要求 820.1范围 820.3定义 820.5质量体系 Subpart B——质量体系要求 820.20管理职责
21 Code of Federal Regulation(中英对照).doc,21 Code of Federal Regulations Parts 210 and 211 联邦法规21 210与211部分 Part 210 - CURRENT GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICE IN MANUFACTURING, PROCESSING, PACKING, OR HOLDING OF DRUGS; GENERAL Part 211 - CURRENT GOO
内容提示: CodeofFederalRegulations 联邦法规代码 Code of Federal Regulations 联邦法规代码 Title 21——Food and Drugs Part 820——医疗器械和设备制造质量体系法规 Part 820——质量体系法规——目录 Subpart A——通用要求 820.1 范围 820.3 定义 820.5 质量体系 Subpart B——质量体系要求 820.20 管理职责 ...
of美国法规CodeUSDA部门联邦法规农业法规 系统标签: usdaregulationsfederalcodedepartmental联邦 CodeofFederalRegulationsPART3—DEBTMANAGEMENTSubpartG—FederalSalaryOffsetAuthority:5U.S.C.5514;5CFRpart550,subpartK.§3.70Scope.(a)TheprovisionsofthissubpartsetforthUSDAproceduresforthecollectionofaFederalemployee'spay...
aPeople offer various meal time prayers during the day and go to church to do thanksgiving prayer 日间居于提议各种各样的膳食时间祷告并且去教会做感恩祷告[translate] aas found in Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations Part 58. 正在翻译,请等待...[translate]...
aAccording to the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 40 CFR Part 403, regulations were established in the late 1970s and early 1980s to help publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) control industrial discharges to sewers. These reg-ulations were designed to prevent pass-through and interfer-enc...
Code of Federal Regulations CFR The United States Code of Federal Regulations is the codification of the general and per
Code of Federal Regulations Title 40 - Protection of Environment Volume: 31 Date: 2013-07-01 Original Date: 2013-07-01 Title: PART 427 - ASBESTOS MANUFACTURING POINT SOURCE CATEGORY Context: Title 40 - Protection of Environment. CHAPTER I - ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED). SUBCHAPTER...