This article reports the code of conduct for higher education students which was issued by the Ministry of Education in March 2005. These are: (1) to heighten ambition and strengthen faith; (2) to love one's country and serve the people; (3) to study diligently and strive without rest;...
This article reports the code of conduct for higher education students which was issued by the Ministry of Education in March 2005. These are: (1) to heighten ambition and strengthen faith; (2) to love one's country and serve the people; (3) to study diligently and strive without rest;...
Ministry of Economy, CEPYME) and regional level (Emakunde, Gipuzkoa Provincial Council, Aspegi, Adegi, Chamber of Commerce of Gipuzkoa). These analyses have led to the conclusion
Information on the sampling frame and the number of participants at baseline and FU for the present study is given in Figure 1. Figure 1. Flow chart for sample selection at baseline and follow-up. 2.2. Ethical Consideration Study conduct was in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki ...
At shipping ministry, a last minute rush to beat model code of conductP.R. Sanjai