airportsapi Get name and website-URL for airports by ICAO code No Yes Unknown AIS Hub Real-time data of any marine and inland vessel equipped with AIS tracking system apiKey No Unknown Amadeus for Developers Travel Search - Limited usage OAuth Yes Unknown apilayer aviationstack Real-time Flight...
showChart boolean Optional If provided and false then charts are not displayed. Defaults to true. showInfo boolean Optional If provided and false then information summaries are not displayed. Defaults to true. Example - type: stat-ping options: hostname: or - type:...
Sistemas de Informa��o SA, Skk Central de Distribuicao para Refrigeracao e Climatizacao, Sonae Investment Management Software & Technology SGPS SA, Sonaecom Sistemas de Informa��o SGPS SA, Spread - Sociedade de Projectos em Engenharia e Ambiente, Lda. ...
ICAO codes link to a page of aeronautical charts at the South African Civil Aviation Authority website. КодиИОТО КодиИКАОФеҳристифурудгоҳҳоиЗимбабве World Aeronautical Database. WikiMatrix Code Generated Кодгенериронд...
ICAO: Sector 1 (Parallel entry) U.S. FAA: Parallel ICAO: Sector 2 (Offset entry) U.S. FAA: Teardrop ICAO: Sector 3 (Direct entry) U.S. FAA: Direct Sector 1 (Parallel) Entry U.S. FAA When approaching the holding fix from anywhere in the parallel sector, turn to a heading to ...
Source:ICAO NAT Doc 007, ¶14.4 Plot! Complete flight progress charts periodically. Making periodic plots of position on a suitable chart and comparing with current cleared track, greatly helps in the identification of errors before getting too far from track. ...
Image-Charts Generate charts, QR codes and graph images No Yes Yes Retrieve structured data from a website or RSS feed apiKey Yes Unknown IP address, country and city No Yes Yes IP2WHOIS Information Lookup WHOIS domain name lookup apiKey Yes Unknown Geogr...
airportsapi Get name and website-URL for airports by ICAO code No Yes Unknown AIS Hub Real-time data of any marine and inland vessel equipped with AIS tracking system apiKey No Unknown Amadeus for Developers Travel Search - Limited usage OAuth Yes Unknown apilayer aviationstack Real-time Flight...
final approach fix, NOLLA. It is up to you how far to fly before starting the 45° leg and, depending on if you want to comply with ICAO guidance or not, how long to fly that leg before turning. So a lot is left on your shoulders. Here is my method on how to make these ...
If your aircraft and its database uses WGS-84 — and most do — then it is critically important that your navigation and approach charts are based on WGS-84 too. Part of your mission planning to international destinations needs to ask this question for every procedure you fly: is this WGS...