{code:40001,msg:"Missing Required Arguments",subCode:"isv.missing-encrypt-key",subMsg:"缺少加密配置" } 涉及接口 ●my.getPhoneNumber ●my.getRunData 问题原因 ●小程序未配置接口加签方式(支付宝公钥)、接口内容加密方式( AES 密钥)、应用网关导致的报错。
获取会员手机号/或运动步数,会员授权后 my.getPhoneNumber/my.getRunData 返回 {code:40001,msg:"Missing Required Arguments",subCode:"isv.missing-encrypt-key",subMsg:"缺少加密配置" }。 涉及接口 ●my.getPhoneNumber ●my.getRunData 问题原因
accessToken失效问题 errorcode 40001?1、获取接口调用凭证问题一:按个人理解,getStableAccessToken门槛低。
"error": { "code": "40001", "message": "The request does not contain a valid authentication token.", "@api.url": "https://aka.ms/onenote-errors#C40001" } } ...When I visited the api.url it says the following about this error... 40001 The ...
I can see the importance of being able to get rid of the error 40001, so you can work with direct deposit with no issues. I want to ensure that this matter will be taken care of. To help investigate why the error continues to occur, I'd recommend contacting our Customer Care Team ag...
云开发 调用 数据库报 errorCode 40001?已解决 ! token 放在url 上 并且 参数报文 不要放token !
以下是一些常见的钉钉错误码及其含义:0: 请求成功88: API调用频率超限40001: 不合法的凭证类型40002: ...
{ "errcode":40001,"errmsg": "获取access_token时secret错误,或者access_token无效"} 获取access_token时secret错误,或者access_token无效 检查下access_token是否正确。 40002 { "errcode":40002,"errmsg": "不合法的凭证类型"} 不合法的凭证类型 无。 40003 { "errcode":40003,"errmsg": "不合法的userid"...
Error 0x82d40001 occurs when you try to launch a game Error 0x87E10BC6 occurs when you try to download and install or launch a game Error 0x87e00031 occurs when you try to install a game on your Xbox or PC Error 0x87e0012d occurs when your console encounters a problem with Xbox Li...
1213 40001 ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction 1214 HY000 ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_FT The used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexes 1215 HY000 ER_CANNOT_ADD_FOREIGN Cannot add foreign key constraint 1216 23000 ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW Cannot add...