Leetcode - 462 最少移动次数使数组元素相等 II 题目:给你一个长度为n的整数数组nums,返回使所有数组元素相等需要的最少移动数。 在一步操作中,你可以使数组中的一个元素加1或者减1。 示例: 输入:nums = [1,2,3] 输出:2 解释: 只需要两步操作(每步操作指南使一个元素加 1 或减 1): [1,2,3] =...
Run-time error '-2147023174' OLE Automation error Error message 2 Run-time error '462': The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable. Cause Visual Basic has established a reference to Excel because of a line of code that calls an Excel object, method, or property without qual...
以下代码是在vba中读取word文件。但它显示错误 VBA中的错误462:找不到远程服务器计算机。 Sub abc() Dim fileReader As String Dim wrdApp As Word.Application Dim wrdDoc As Word.Document Dim singleLine As Paragraph Set wrdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application") Set wrdDoc = wrdApp.Documents.Open("C...
publicclassSolution {/** @param A: A an integer array sorted in ascending order * @param target: An integer * @return: An integer*/publicinttotalOccurrence(int[] A,inttarget) {//write your code hereif(A ==null|| A.length == 0){return0; ...
Error message 2 Run-time error '462': The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable Cause Visual Basic has established a reference to Word due to a line of code that calls a Word object, method, or property without qualifying it with a Word object variable....
¥0.70 成交462张 code 4 美国国旗细蓝线贴纸旗帜适用于汽车、笔记本电脑 深圳市卡乐兔印务有限公司 1年 回头率: 6.8% 广东 深圳市 ¥1.14 成交6516个 RFID智能餐盘标签定制 15693协议嵌入式餐具智能射频识别结算标签 广州杰众智能科技有限公司 14年 月均发货速度: 暂无记录 广东 广州市增城区 ...
462 Total Occurrence of Target Easy 463 Sort Integers JavaScript Naive 464 Sort Integers II JavaScript Easy 465 Kth Smallest Sum In Two Sorted Arrays Hard 466 Count Linked List Nodes JavaScript Naive 467 Complete Binary Tree Easy 468 Symmetric Binary Tree Easy 469 Same Tree JavaScript Easy 470 Tw...
462.Minimum-Moves-to-Equal-Array-Elements-II (M-) 1703.Minimum-Adjacent-Swaps-for-K-Consecutive-Ones (H) 2033.Minimum-Operations-to-Make-a-Uni-Value-Grid (M+) 2448.Minimum-Cost-to-Make-Array-Equal (H-) 2607.Make-K-Subarray-Sums-Equal (M+) 1838.Frequency-of-the-Most-Frequent-Element...
这道题目和leetcode453是有联系的,虽然这道题难度为中等,但是我感觉初等难度的453绕的弯子更大一些。 题目:Given a non-empty integer array, find the minimum number of moves required to make all array elements equal, where a move is incrementing a selected element by 1 or decrementing a selected...