Some information you provide or upload to the service may be stored outside of the country/region in which you reside. All activity on the service is also governed by theMicrosoft Learn Terms of Useand theMicrosoft Privacy Policy. You acknowledge that you're a volunteer participant in The ...
The other known country codes for GB are the internet top-level-domain (.uk and .gb) and the ISO numeric-3 (826). Country codes table The table below is a complete UK country Code that contains all known codes including 44 phone code which is mandatory to make call from anywhere in ...
VI is also identified by ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 and ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 codes which are VI and VIR. Added to the 1-340 country code; these are the outstanding U.S. Virgin Islands country codes.ISO numeric-3 (826) (850), E164 (1) and .tld (.vi) are also recognized codes for U....
L 23 (C 44-49): Use STRCMPI(str1,str2) instead of using UPPER/LOWER in a call to STRCMP. L 27 (C 12-15): NUMEL(x) is usually faster than PROD(SIZE(x)). L 33 (C 13-16): Variable appears to change size on every loop iteration. Consider preallocating for speed. L 33 (C ...
dialing code: Each country has a unique country code; area code: This is the code for a part of Denmark. It’s usually a simple area or a city; local number: The local number you would like to dial. Denmark only has one area code which is the same as the country code 45. ...
dialing code: Each country has a unique dialing code; area code: This is the code for a part of Qatar. It’s usually a general area or a city; local number: The local number you would like to call. Qatar has no area codes, only a country code. Which is 974. ...
The error "Activation code is invalid for this region" occurs if you attempt to activate the application with an activation code that was intended for use in another country or region. For example, you may have gotten this error if you bought or downloaded Kaspersky Free in your home country...
SWIFT Code HATRUS44 Bank Name BMO BANK N.A. Address 320 SOUTH CANAL STREET City CHICAGO, IL Branch Postcode 60690 Country United States Connection Active Money Transfer Save on international fees by using Wise, which is 5x cheaper than banks. Receive Money Get paid at the real exchange ra...
国家代码(Countrycode) Thecodeforinternationalcalls Whichcountryisthe60AsiaMalaysiaareacode: Whichcountryisthe62AsiaIndonesiaareacode: Whichcountryisthe63AsiaPhilippinesareacode: Whichcountryisthe65areacode:Singapore Whichcountryisthe66AsiaThailandareacode: ...
SWIFT Code NODKUS44 Bank Name THE BANK OF NORTH DAKOTA Address 1200 MEMORIAL HWY City BISMARCK, ND Branch Postcode 58504 Country United States Connection Active Money Transfer Save on international fees by using Wise, which is 5x cheaper than banks. Receive Money Get paid at the real exchang...