拥有像男装一样利落简洁的剪裁,同时又带有女性的优雅,象征着终极欲望与克制的小黑裙风靡世界,其最初的设计者曾说:“女人的衣柜里不可以缺少的衣服就是小黑裙”,这位设计师就是COCO CHANEL。出身贫寒的修道院少女 【2021全球创始人大会·最具赋能女性力量品牌50强】之Chanel的创始人Coco Chanel,1883年出生在法国索...
拥有像男装一样利落简洁的剪裁,同时又带有女性的优雅,象征着终极欲望与克制的小黑裙风靡世界,其最初的设计者曾说:“女人的衣柜里不可以缺少的衣服就是小黑裙”,这位设计师就是COCO CHANEL。 出身贫寒的修道院少女 【2021全球创始人大会·最具赋能女性力量品牌50强】之Chanel的创始人Coco Chanel,1883年出生在法国索缪的...
LBD,little black dress的缩写,是由Gabrielle Chanel (加布里埃.香奈尔)在1926年所设计的时装。它一改...
There are other interesting myth-busters in the NY Times review (link under the external reviews)...but I had watched and disliked this movie before I read it. I found the woman who played the young Chanel rather bland, and not even Shirley MacLaine's performance was any fun. Watching Ch...
Although she did not design the very first Little Black Dress, Coco Chanel was the one who made it widely popular, and desirable whenshe introduced it in 1926 in the pages of Vogue. Source: Vogue Chanel’s little black dress was revolutionary for many reasons. ...
在时装史上,1920 年代,是属于 Coco Chanel 的时代。1926 年,美版《Vogue》刊登了 Coco Chanel 女士的小黑裙手稿,并称之为「Chanel Ford」,意思是小黑裙就像福特车一样,是跨时代的代表。人们常说是时尚先锋 Coco Chanel 将女性从束缚中解放出来,但这场解放又何尝不是因为当时的女性选择了 Coco Chanel 呢?...
1926年,香奈儿推出了“小黑裙”。美国Vogue杂志在LBD刚刚推出之际就将其奉为经典,并誉为“福特裙”。因为在当时全美销量最好的一款汽车就是福特汽车,以此来形容小黑裙的受欢迎程度。 “女人一心想着所有色彩,而常常会忽略了无色彩。”香奈儿认为黑色与白色一样,凝聚了所有色彩的精髓,小黑裙能展现既定规范之外的别样女性...
Chanel’s focus on comfort and freedom of movement in fashion was pioneering and instantly popular. In 1926, American Vogue described her little black crepe de Chine day dress as “the Chanel ‘Ford’, the frock that all the world will wear”, and it became “synonymous with the modern wom...
·1926:Chanelintroducedthe‚littleblackdress‛(小黑裙)greetedbyVogueasthe‘newuniformofthemodernwoman’.·1955:Chanelintroducedthequilted bagwiththeshoulderstrap(肩带),namedthe2.55bag.·1971:CocoChaneldied.·ChanelisnowheadedbyGermanborndesignerKarlLagerfeld(卡尔·拉格菲尔德).KarlLagerfeld Chanelalways...
The little black dress French fashion model Bettina Graziani wearing a black dress by Coco Chanel in July 1967. Reg Lancaster/Daily Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images In 1926, Vogue published a drawing of a simple, calf-length black dress fashioned from crêpe de Chine. It featured long ...