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Coco Chanel 1 . _ ( be ) born in France in 1883 . When she was young she learn e how to sew and worked as a singer . In 1910,she 2 . _ ( open ) her first shop . In the 1920s,she 3 . _ ( begin ) to open more shops in Paris and soon became very popular . When Worl...
Chanel got her start as a milliner, opening her firstshop, Chanel Modes, at 21 Rue Cambon in 1910. French actresses, including Gabrielle Dorziat, helped put Chanel on the map by wearing her early designs both on and off stage. Photos of Coco Chanel Through the Years: Her Evolution...
Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel (August 19, 1883–January 10, 1971) opened her first millinery shop in 1910, and in the 1920s she rose to become one of the premier fashion designers in Paris. Replacing the corset with comfort and casual elegance, her fashion themes included simple suits and dresses...
Coco Chanel (12 years old) Balancing Act(2012) Emma Lo Bianco Coco's Assistant Boris(2007) Dejan Markoski WWI Soldier Film sporco(2005) Katie McGovern Sophie Per Elisa - Il caso Claps(2023) Valentina Mezzacappa Coco's Assistant Unclaimed(2005) ...
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Opening her first shop on Paris’s Rue Cambon in 1910, Chanel started out selling hats. She later added stores in Deauville and Biarritz and began making clothes. Her first taste of clothing success came from a dress she fashioned out of an old jersey on a chilly day. In response to ...