THE DESIGN** COCO CRUSH代表著化為現實的創意靈魂。一個糅合線條與靈動、圓潤與俐落,剛柔並濟的靈魂。一個簡約而大膽前衛的靈魂。顯示更多 欣賞影片 刻紋切線 工匠以迅速俐落的手法在黃金上劃出刻紋切線,完美重現經典菱格紋圖騰。 圓弧型格紋 優美的圓弧型格紋為 COCO CRUSH 高級珠寶系列的標誌性特色,為菱格紋...
The Coco Chanel logo has two “C” and they are derived from the name of the owner. The ideas and the inspiration for the logo design all have meanings. When you see the logo there are two Cs interconnected to each other. The two Cs in the logo is like a reflection of one in a ...
Chanel,是一种语汇、一种文法、一套准则、与一门学问,优雅不可一世。 随着女性独立意识的崛起,在追求自我的过程中,从容自信、不被定义,愈来愈为人们所强调。强烈的个人主义,敏锐的艺术嗅觉,新锐的艺术文化... Chanel的经典设计仍然影响着一代代的年轻女性。 作为一座海边顶级度假公寓,在创作的初期,设计师就把这个...
Coco Chanel: The Life of a Fashion Icon Lead Casting and Casting by Performance. An Illustrated Synopsis and Guide to Characters. Acclaimed Belgian-Colombian choreographer Annabelle Lopez Ochoa’s original full-length narrative ballet Coco Chanel: The Life of a Fashion Icon will delve into the comp...
In 1954 Chanel staged her first fashion show in some 15 years. Although the French press had negative reviews, the collection proved popular in the United States. That year Chanel also introduced her highly copied suit design: a collarless, braid-trimmed tweed jacket with a graceful skirt. By...
【商品名称】:CHANEL/香奈儿 COCO菱格纹大LOGO项链 1个【AB级已使用】 【尺寸】:5.5×6cm 链条77.5cm 【材质】:金属 【等级】:AB 【评级说明】: 【S】99新未使用 新品无差异,无使用痕迹,外观轻微陈列磨损 【A】95新已使用 优质成色,外观有细微使用痕迹,有细微划痕,无磨损,功能正常 ...
Chanel 2013 the design of spring and summer fashion show Chanel has a distinct personality. She pursues freedom but loves men. She is strong and independent but full of femininity. Her home, Auvergne, in central France, is a poor area full of dead volcanoes. At the age of seventy, she ...
[3] A prolific fashion creator, Chanel extended her influence beyond couture clothing, realizing her aesthetic design in jewellery, handbags, and fragrance. Her signature scent, Chanel No. 5, has become an iconic product, and Chanel herself designed her famed interlocked-CC monogram, which has ...
Coco Chanel designed the interlocking Cs logo in the 1930s, and Lagerfeld championed this iconic image in everything from necktie prints to handbag clasps. Echoing the influence of men’s fashion on Coco's designs, Karl Lagerfeld abandoned a more traditional, feminine design and incorporated men...
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