WPF wykonuje to automatycznie w przypadku odwołań DynamicResource, ale celowo nie robi tego w przypadku odwołań StaticResource. Począwszy od programu .NET Framework 4.7.2, asystent diagnostyczny może używać tych powiadomień do lokalizowania tych zastosowań zasobu statycznego. ...
doi:10.3390/su14106152Georgina Maria TinungkiPowell Gian HartonoRobiyanto RobiyantoAgus Budi HartonoJakaria JakariaLydia Rosintan SimanjuntakMDPISustainability
At least one fuse is electrically connected to the circuit board, and an insulative fuse door is sealingly engaged to the housing and positionable with respect to the housing to provide access to the fuse from an exterior of the housing.Adam Weisz-MargulescuAlan AlbinoRoger RobichaudCA...
Robion Kirby, Paul Melvin, and Peter Teichner. Cohomotopy sets of 4-manifolds. In Proceedings of the Freedman Fest, volume 18 of Geom. Topol. Monogr., pages 161-190. Geom. Topol. Publ., Coventry, 2012.R. Kirby, P. Melvin, and P. Teichner, Cohomotopy sets of 4-manifolds, Geom. ...
Robion KirbyPaul MelvinPeter TeichnerarXiv: Geometric TopologyR. Kirby, P. Melvin and P. Teichner, ` `Cohomotopy sets of 4-manifolds", Proceedings of the Freedman Fest, 161-190, Geom. Topol. Monogr., 18, Geom. Topol. Publ., Coventry, 2012....
Kervevan, JérmeStaropoli, IsabelleSlama, DorsafJeger-Madiot, RaphalDonnadieu, FranoisePlanas, DelphinePietri, Marie-PierreLoghmari-Bouchneb, WiemTanah, Motolete AlabaRobinot, RémyFrontiers in Immunology
Robichaux, William H.Seo, Jeong-WookTaylor & FrancisPediatric PathologySpencer R, Robichaux W H, Seo J-W (1997) Abnormal vas- culature of the liver in thoracopagus twins: case report. Pediatr Pathol Lab Med 17:315±327Spencer R,Robichaux WH,Seo JW.Abnormal vasculature of the liver in...
DEVELOPMENT OF A LYMPHOID ORGAN-CHIP TO EVALUATE COVID VACCINE BOOSTING STRATEGIESJeger-Madiot, RaphalKervevan, JérmeStaropoli, IsabellePlanas, DelphineMary, HéloseGarnier, CassandreRobinot, RémyGellenoncourt, StacySchwartz, OlivierBscheider, Michael...
South African reports to the World Health Organization (WHO) indicate that its tuberculosis (TB) notifications have increased fivefold over the last 20 years; in 2008, South Africa (SA) had the third-highest TB burden, after India and China. SA and Swaziland now have the highest TB ...
Robi MalikS. L. RickerIEEEAdvances in Computing and CommunicationsF. Lin, W. M. Wonham, 1988, On observability of discrete-event systems, Information Sciences, 44: 173-198F. Lin and W. Wonham, "On observability of discrete-event systems," Information Sciences, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 173...