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hive (default)> create table bigtable(id bigint, time bigint,uid string, keyword string, url_rank int, click_num int, click_url string) row format delimited ields terminated by '\t'; 1. 2. 2.加载数据 hive (default)> load data local inpath '/opt/module/datas/bigtable' into table ...
# <flags EDM_LDFLAGS="-Wl,--version-script,$(SCRAM_CONFIGDIR)/SCRAM/"/> <flags MISSING_SYMBOL_FLAGS="-Wl,-z,defs"/> </architecture> <architecture name="slc5.*_gcc4[67]"> <flags LDFLAGS="-Wl,--icf=all"/> </architecture> <architecture name="osx"> <flags MI...
信息: Illegal access: this web application instance has been stopped already. Could not load com...
lds si, es:[bx] push cs pop es mov ax, si stosw mov ax, ds stosw mov bx, cs:cvtOfs xor cx, cx @@1: mov al, ds:[si+1] stosb mov ax, ds:[si+bx+12h] stosw mov ax, ds:[si+bx+14h] stosw inc cx lds si, ds:[si+bx+18h] cmp si, -1 jnz @@1 ; mov ax, 5 ;...
tewaldsand alvarosg Annotate that graphcast only works with 3.10 and above. 858301c· Sep 20, 2023 History2 Commits graphcast LICENSE graphcast_demo.ipynb Repository files navigation README License GraphCast: Learning skillful medium-range global weather...