Efficacy and safety of fexofenadine in fall seasonal allergic rhinitis [abstract]. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1996;971009Google ScholarCrossref 55. Wernicke JFDunlop SRDornseif BEBosomworth JCHumbert M Low-dose fluoxetine therapy for depression. Psychopharmacol Bull. 1988;24183- 188Google Scholar 56...
Diagnostic tests class consists of radiology and laboratory tests. Diagnosis tests is performed as a part of observation process to assist in or confirm the diagnosis decision determined by the clinician. 3.3.1. Named entity recognition Named Entity Recognition identifies specific words or phrases (‘...
CCTA “is still not even widespread” (B03, GP), CMRI “is not even offered in every normal radiology department” (B04, GP), and MPS “is hardly ever offered by nuclear medicine specialists” (B12, GP) {33}. In addition to this, NIT procedures were characterised as diagnostics with ...
The breast experiences substantial changes in morphology and function during pregnancy and lactation which affects its imaging properties and may reduce the visibility of a concurrent pathological process. The high incidence of benign gestational-related
Human genome sequencing is the process by which the exact order of nucleic acid base pairs in the 24 human chromosomes is determined. Since the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003, genomic sequencing is rapidly becoming a major part of our tra
Deep-learning models can process pathologic images, radiology scans, and multiple other clinical data in a short period of time, which is humanly impossible. Hence, ML can be applied to real-world data to generate real-world evidence. AI has immense potential to revolutionize the field of ...
As soon as the data is read into memory, GaNDLF applies the pre-processing steps defined in the configuration file to each input dataset (see Section u for examples of these steps). Then TorchIO’s96 inference mechanism is used to enable patch-based inference for radiology images. This entai...
However, it is currently unclear, whether new tissue-based biomar- kers or better radiology will predominate therapy planning in the future.6,7 Following the initial histological diagnosis of prostate cancer, even more relevant are prognostic biomarkers that classify the biologic potential of a tumor...
Fungi cause opportunistic, nosocomial, and community-acquired infections. Among fungal infections (mycoses) zygomycoses are exceptionally severe, with a mo
Examples include, but may not be limited to, the Axxent Electronic Brachytherapy System and the INTRABEAM system. EBT has been developed to offer advantages over standard radioactive brachytherapy in the areas of radiation safety both to the patient as well as the personnel administering the ...