Vector vVelocity = Vector(0,0,0);CClient*pClient = CClients::Get(pEnemy); CFindPathTask *pFindPath =newCFindPathTask(vLastSee, LOOK_LAST_ENEMY);if(CClassInterface::GetVelocity(pEnemy, &vVelocity)) {if(pClient && (vVelocity == Vector(0,0,0))) vVelocity = pClient->GetVelocity()...
sslserver.c #include<stdio.h>#include<unistd.h>#include<string.h>#include<sys/socket.h>#include<arpa/inet.h>#include<openssl/ssl.h>#include<openssl/err.h>intcreate_socket(intport){structsockaddr_inaddr;addr.sin_family=AF_INET;addr.sin_port=htons(port);addr.sin_addr.s_addr=htonl(INADD...
✍ customer 首先,customer 的意思比较类似我们中文的「消费者、顾客」,像是去超市、超商、餐厅、服饰店、饮料店等等消费的人,都可以称作 customer,通常这些人付完钱后,马上就可以取得商品。那如果是「固定来消费的人」,我们也可以称作 regular customer。我们来看些例...
Qbot Botnet. Telnet botnet, most powerfull and strong botnet. requirements: 2 linux server. - qbot/client.c at master · geniosa/qbot
java.lang.Object ServicePartitionClient<TCommunicationClient><C>Type ParametersC type of Communication client public class FabricServicePartitionClient implements ServicePartitionClient...
cetcd is on active development. It aims to be used in production environment and to supply full features of etcd.Any issues or pull requests are welcome! Features Round-robin load balance and failover Full support for etcd keys space apis ...
BEIJING, May 26 (Xinhua) -- China will protect the legitimate rights and interests of depositors and other clients to the greatest extent after taking over the Inner Mongolia-based Baoshang Bank, an official statement said Sunday. The country will firmly guard against systemic risks, and keep ...
在“CLIENT MAC ADDR”后面应该还有如“14:78:98:F4:8E”之类的信息吧?client(客户端)mac addr(物理地址),意思就是说你电脑的网卡地址是:14:78:98:F4:8E。说明你网卡设置有问题。你要重新设置一下。方法是:当开机出现:“Realtek RTL 8139 (A/B/C)/RTL8130 Boot Agent Press ...
The first mistake I made when building a POP3 library was to develop it in a language that was unsuitable: C. It took too long to write and did indeed get very dirty. It took about 3 weeks to develop and test my library, whereas in C# it took a day and a half!! The reason for...
Performance Printing Remote Desktop Services Resources Security and Malware Setup, upgrades, and drivers Shell Experience Software Defined Networking System Management Components UserProfiles and Logon Virtualization Windows Security Windows Servicin...